10 Tips on How to Write a Good Article Review

An Article Review is a critical, constructive evaluation of literature in a particular field through summary, classification, analysis, and comparison. If it is a scientific review article, it uses database searches to portray the research. It is one of the most frequently assigned papers. This is one of the favorite tasks of both college and university teachers because when writing this kind of assignment a student should demonstrate not only writing skills but also an ability to evaluate a certain publication. When writing an article review, you are supposed to have a closer look at the work of another writer. Many experts often practice evaluating another’s work. This is done with the goal to improve writing skills.

Article reviews

Features of a research paper

It is one of the four steps on the way to excellent article content evaluation. The 4 ways to prepare a meaningful article below.

  1. Summarization, classification, analysis, critiques, and comparison.
  2. The analysis, evaluation, and comparison require the use of theories, ideas, and research, relevant to the subject area of the article.
  3. It is also worth noting that if a review does not introduce new information, but instead presents a response to another writer’s work.
  4. Check out other samples to gain a better understanding of how to review the article.

10 Tips for Writing an Article Review

Have you ever written such an assignment? If not, study the helpful tips for composing a paper. If you follow the recommendations provided here, the process of writing a literature review won’t be so time-consuming. The guidelines below will help to make the process of preparing a paper much more productive. Let’s get started!

  1. Check what kind of information your work should contain. After answering the key question “What is an article review?” you should learn how to structure it the right way. To succeed, you need to know what your work should be based on. An analysis with insightful observations is a must for your piece of writing.
  2. Define the main idea: When reading for the 1st time, concentrate on the overall impression. Brainstorm ideas on what the author wanted to tell and think whether he or she has managed to reach the goal.
  3. Lookup unknown terms. Don’t know the meaning of certain words and expressions? Highlight them and don’t forget to check what they mean using reliable sources of information.
  4. Highlight the most significant ideas. When reading for the 2nd time, take a highlighter to emphasize the most vital ideas for understanding the article.
  5. Write an outline. A well-written outline will ease your life significantly. All your thoughts will be grouped. The detailed plan helps not miss anything important. Think of those questions that should be answered in the process of writing.
  6. Brainstorm title ideas. When choosing an article, bear in mind: it should reflect the main idea. Make it eye-catching and concise.
  7. Check an article review format example. You should check whether you know how to cite an article using the proper style. Take into account that the citation rules differ in APA and MLA format. Ask your teacher, which one you are supposed to give preference to.
  8. A good introduction is keyProvide the central ideas presented in the work in just one brief paragraph. Make an accent on the key concepts and arguments of the author. Include a thesis at the end of the introduction.
  9. Use a formal style. Use the third-person and remember that this assignment should be written in accordance with a formal academic writing style.
  10. Summarize, provide your critique, and conclude. Express your opinion on whether the author has achieved his or her goal or not. Mention the drawbacks of the work if there are any and highlight its strong points as well.

If you have checked the tips and you still doubt whether you have all the necessary skills and time for preparing this kind of education work, follow one more tip that guarantees 100% success- ask for professional assistance by asking the best writing service to craft your paper instead of you.

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