How it works

Here is how it works,How it works

Welcome to Course Scholars where all your academic challenges will be taken care of. This is the only place you can get high-quality customized papers at a fair price. Let us guide you in the On our website at Course Scholars, you will see the order form. Fill in your specific assignment instructions without leaving out any important details. If you can’t locate the order form, press the “order now” button at the top of the page. This will take you to our order page.

Normal orders.

  1. Fill in the order form

On our website at Course Scholars, you will see the order form. Fill in your specific assignment instructions without leaving out any important details. If you can’t locate the order form, press the “order now button at the top of the page. This will take you to our order page.

Fill in details such as academic level, type of paper, discipline, topic, paper format, the deadline of your paper, number of pages, and other details that will be indicated on the order form. Ensure you include all the important details needed in processing your order. Upload any additional materials and documents to ensure the writer working on your order has everything he/she needs to produce a high-quality paper for you. Provide us with as many details about your assignment as possible.

If you are a first-time customer, you will be requested to create an account on our website by providing your email and a password to keep your account secure. You can also provide your name and mobile number but this is optional. Having a password for your account is important as your account cannot be accessed by the public nor can it be accessed by unauthorized persons.

  1. Make payments

Once you have completed filling in your assignment details, the cost of your order will be calculated automatically by our system. When you log in to your account after signing in, you will see the “pay now” button. If you want to make payments, press this button and it will give you different payment options that are acceptable on our website. Select the payment system that is most convenient for you.  We accept payments from your PayPal account and debit or credit cards. You must pay for your order for a writer to start working on it. During the payment process, we do not store clients’ financial details to protect them from access by third parties.

Once we receive your payment an email is sent to the email address you used to register to our website. This email provides you with a link to your personal order page. This page is important is you can communicate with your writer here by the use of a special messenger. You can also keep track of your order through this page as the progress of your order is posted here.

  1. The order becomes available to writers

Once you make payments for your order, the order becomes available to our writers who after review your assignment instructions place bids for the order. Depending on your level of study, assignment deadline, order complexity, and subject we will select the writer. Among the writers who placed bid for your order, we will select the writer with the best skills in that field and the one we believe can submit the best content for your order.

The writer will start working on your order as soon as he/she is assigned your paper. In case of any questions, we will contact you through the email or mobile number you shared in your account or through your personal order page.

  1. Work completed and delivered within the assignment deadline

The writer assigned your order does intense research to develop a high-quality paper. All our papers are written from scratch thus you can be sure to receive a plagiarism-free paper. The only thing you need to do is sit back, relax and wait for our expert writers to work on your order. The paper delivered to you will be carefully cited and referenced as per your assignment instructions. Our writers have been trained on different formatting styles. When the writer is done working on your order, it is sent to our quality department for review.

   5. The  assignment sent for editing

The paper is sent to our expert editors who edit and proofread the paper. This is done to ensure that the final paper is error-free. It is then passed through our internal plagiarism detecting software where is checked for traces of plagiarism. All this is done as early as possible to ensure the paper is delivered before the set deadline.  When we are sure that the paper is original and error-free, the paper is delivered to you.

  1. Work is uploaded and availed to you

How it works

The completed paper is delivered to your personal order page. You are then sent an email notification informing you that your order has been delivered. We always do our best to ensure we deliver all our orders before their deadline and it’s your responsibility to ensure you download the paper on time. The first version of the paper is delivered as a PDF.

If the first version of the paper does not meet your standard, you can request for a free revision by pressing the “set order on revision” button on your personal order. If after multiple revisions the paper does not meet your standards, you can request for a refund as per our money-back guarantee.

7. Download your paper

The first sample of your paper is delivered as a PDF that can’t be edited nor downloaded and you are expected to review the paper. If the paper meets your standard, approve the paper by pressing on the “approve” button on your personal order page. Immediately you approve the paper, it is made available to you as an MS word document which is the editable version of the paper.

It is important to double-check your order to ensure all assignment instructions were carefully followed. In case you find any mistakes after approving your paper, you have 14 days to request for a free revision after which you can only use the paid revision button.

For you to get a free revision, your revision instructions must be consistent with your previous instructions.


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Approximate price: $22

What you get from our essay writing service

Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Writer’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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