100+ Brilliant Descriptive Essay Topics & Tips for Writing an Essay

A descriptive essay explains or portrays its subject-a person, an object, an idea, an experience, or even an emotion. The main purpose of a descriptive essay is to provide readers with details for them to imagine and visualize the chosen topics.

In this article, we will show you the best descriptive essay topics to choose from; moreover, you will find prompts, tips, and a writing guide.

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1.Types of Descriptive Essays

There are two types of descriptive essays:

  1. This essay is about something specific you can see, touch, smell, feel and hear.
  2. Unlike concrete ones that involve something human senses can perceive; this essay involves something you can feel emotionally or perceive cognitively.

2.Tips on How to Write a Descriptive Essay

Here are the various tips that will help you to write an excellent paper:

  1. Topic and thesis. Choose a subject you like most from this article. Then, come up with an attention-catching thesis statement that reflects the main focus of the paper.

Example: Topic: The happiest day of my life

                  Thesis: This essay will describe personal emotions and experiences

                               About the most memorable and happiest day of my life

  1. The essay outline. Start with an introduction, then the body, and finish with a conclusion. Describe the main thoughts/themes in the body paragraphs.
  2. Use the five senses. When writing your topic, include sensory details. Talk about the things that engage each of the senses.

Smell- aromatic, stinking, piquant, etc.

Touch- balmy, chilly, bumpy, biting

Taste- bitter, delicious, creamy

Hearing- loud, quiet, buzz, bellow

Smell- aroma, flagrant, foul-smelling

Vision- dazzling, dim, blurred

  1. Write, write, write. Choose the figurative language in your descriptive essay. Also, be clear and precise with your word choice.
  2. Edit and proofread your work. After completing to write your essay, make sure to review your paper. Edit and proofread your work to remove all mistakes and errors that may be present. You can also use our editing and proofreading services and be guaranteed a perfectly polished paper.

Now let’s look at the various descriptive essay topics.

3.Process Description Essay Topics

This kind of essay describes how something occurs or how to do something. A descriptive paper includes cooking instructions, a tutorial, or a chronology of events. Here is an example of various description essay topics:

1.Learning how to ride a motorcycle

2.How to cook a delicious meal

3.How to repair a broken table

4.Learning to play the guitar

4.How can you become a professional fashion model?

5.The process of making a movie

6.Getting ready for a road trip

7.Describe the process of launching a spaceship

8.How do you create a video game?

9.Effective ways to save money for a house

10.How can you start a cafeteria

4.Descriptive Essay Topics: Events

11.The most unforgettable day at high school

12.A winter holiday to remember

13.Fun experiences you share with your family

14.The most memorable birthday party

15.Talk about an event when you got lost in a city

16.A story of an experience you got while attending a sports game

17.What is your dream trip?

18.Describe the most memorable date with your lover

19.The worst experience at the principal’s office

20.Talk about your dream trip

5.Descriptive Essay Topics about Favorite Things

If you have ever had a favorite toy or you have purchased something recently, you can choose one of these topics for your essay:

21.Your favorite dinner snack

22.What kind of beverage do you enjoy?

23.A doll you value

24.Your dream car

25.Your favorable musical instruments

26.A painting you cherish the most

27.The most beautiful beach in your country

30.The most musical instrument you enjoy the most

6.Descriptive Essay Topics about People

Describe a person’s different aspect-somebody experience, behavior, or personality in polite language.

31.Talk about your siblings’ personality

32.A celebrity you look up to

33.Describe your favorite teacher’s personality

34.A person, you respect the most

35.Write about the character traits you highly value in people

36.Which person, you will remember forever?

37.Talk about your appearance

38.A person, you miss the most

39.What are your parents like?

40.The type of person you want to become

7.Descriptive Essay Topics: Places

41.Describe your dream house

42.Your favorite restaurant

43.Describe the study spot of your choice

44.Describe the favorite place to hang out

45.Talk about a place you wish to visit

46.Which country do you dream of visiting?

47.Talk about a perfect park

48.What is the prettiest island in the world?

49.Describe your vacation destination

50.Talk about a European’s city you would like to visit

8.Descriptive Essay Topics: Movies

51.What makes True detective a masterpiece series

52.Describe the Lannister’s family from Game of thrones

53.Talk about your impression of Homeland

54.Cinematrogarphy in Westworld

55.The ending of Suits

56.Talk about the traits of different characters, from how to get away with murder

57.Describe the plot of mind hunters

58.Write about your favorite scene from killing eve

59.What makes The big bang theory funny

60.The pivotal scene from peaky blinders

9.Descriptive Paper Topics about Art

61.Talk about a piece of art that impacted you the most

62.Describe the peculiarities of abstract painting

63.What is the process of creating a portrait?

64.Talk about variations of texture in art

65.What is the use of focal points in photography?

66.Describe the Christo art?

67.What are the crucial elements of sculpting?

68.The process of carving

69.Write about the artwork of a famous album

70.Talk about your impression of Greek mythology

71.The process of creating a marble sculpture

We hope this article was helpful. Good luck with your writing!


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