Home » You are a consultant in a children’s ward for a long-term care hospital facility geared towards ages 3 to 10 years old. The facility directors ask you to construct an indoor/outdoor play center and activity schedule to allow those in early and middle chil

You are a consultant in a children’s ward for a long-term care hospital facility geared towards ages 3 to 10 years old. The facility directors ask you to construct an indoor/outdoor play center and activity schedule to allow those in early and middle chil

You are a consultant in a children’s ward for a long-term care hospital facility geared towards ages 3 to 10 years old. The facility directors ask you to construct an indoor/outdoor play center and activity schedule to allow those in early and middle childhood to maintain and develop their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth while recovering from their injuries/illnesses.

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Justify for the facility’s stakeholders the use and placement for each piece of play equipment, toy, and furniture. Make it clear when and why you would need to divide some of the space to separate children in early childhood from those in middle childhood. Be sure to specify:

How does each piece of play equipment, toy, and furniture contribute to the four types of development (e.g., fine-motor movement helps physical growth)?
How does each piece facilitate social-emotional bonds of children with their families?
How does each piece improve coping and adjustment to long-term care?

Paper Requirements:

Your paper should be seven- to nine-pages (not including the required title or reference pages) and double spaced.
The paper should be based on references to scholarly materials (rather than on introductory textbooks, popular website writings, or musings, for example). To that, your paper should synthesize current, relevant research on your topic from at least five scholarly sources. Cite and reference these sources according to APA style.
Include an introduction that provides a clear statement of your position on the topic, a body that discusses the implications of possible solutions for the project under consideration, and a conclusion regarding how best to manage the issue (i.e., your informed opinion on the issues raised).
Format your entire paper according to APA guidelines.

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The paper must demonstrate what you have learned about current issues related to human development. Your paper is expected to have depth and offer a thoughtful analysis on the topic. The most common mistakes in writing an essay are (a) simply summarizing the topic and not analyzing it or discussing your views and (b) failing to relate the subject to the broader context of restorative justice, as discussed in class and as found in the readings.
Adequately including the broader contexts includes, for example, considering how your research might yield a different approach to restorative justice in the United States.

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