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Negotiating with Vladimir Putin

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Review the following Washington Post article “Phone taps, power plays and sarcasm: What it’s like to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.”

1.  If you can’t get to the article, there is a pdf copy in the student files section.

Imagine you are negotiating with Vladimir Putin. How would your personal skills, ability, gender, and personality affect the negotiations? What would be an asset? What would be a hindrance? Provide references in addition to this article to support your position.
2.  Respond to the following post and answer this question. How would you counter Putin’s negotiation tactics?

 When  dealing with Vladimir Putin a negotiator should have good cognitive  skills.  These skills should be sharp and be able to reason, make sense  of issues, solve problems, think abstractly, learn fast, and stay  focused on the goals.  An example of this is Angela Merkel the  Chancellor of Germany.  Angela Merkel negotiation the issues  surrounding the Ukraine.  Chancellor Merkel grew up in East Germany and  understands the issues when dealing with communist countries.   Chancellor Merkel has excellent cognitive skills and she was a  scientist.  Her abilities allow her to rationalize situations,  methodically analyze situations, weigh risks, and even anticipate  reactions.  These abilities allowed Chancellor Merkel to negotiate a  cease fire in the Ukraine.  Chancellor Merkel has a relationship with  Vladimir Putin that no on has, and has the best chance of keeping the  peace in the Ukraine. I would take a distributive negotiating  approach.  This approach can be used because it is understood in  Russia.  Negotiating with Russia is a take only situation.  Keeping  peace in mind, I would identify the issues, stand firm with the desired  results.  Having more meetings to build repour with Putin and use my  abilities to negotiate. Finding things in common with Putin would serve  to understand the man and how he thinks, and what is his goals.  This  is the tactics that Chancellor Merkel used to accomplish her goals in  the Ukraine.  

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