External link to Topic- Gun Control

Topic- Gun Control

   Objectives for this Project 1. Identify a social, political, or cultural issue that is important to you. Be able to define, analyze, and discuss the relevance and significance of the issue in a logical and thoughtful way.  2. Recognize how culture influences one’s worldview about issues.  3. Recognize that culture may influence people to feel, think, and behave differently. 4. Identify why and how […]

External link to hr discuss question

hr discuss question

    Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select either the Bank of America (Chapter 2) or McDonald’s (Chapter 9) case study for this assignment.   Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: 1. Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company. 2. Identify strengths of the program and how they […]

External link to Who is Banksy?

Who is Banksy?

Who is Banksy? That is what everybody has been asking each other for the last couple of years. Although he is quite famous nobody knows much about him. All we know is his real name might be Robert Banks or Robin Gunningham and he was born in Bristol, but what we do know Banksy is an anonymous England based graffiti artist, film director and painter. […]

External link to Discussions & Learning Activities

Discussions & Learning Activities

  Question 1: Benefits of a diverse workforce What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity and multiculturalism support an organization’s talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas. Don’t forget to read over and […]

External link to Pfizer Industry Analysis

Pfizer Industry Analysis

An Economy and Industry Analysis Focus Industry: Pharmaceutical Industry Focus Company: Pfizer, Inc. (PFE – NYSE) Pharmaceutical Industry Classification The pharmaceutical industry seems to be an intermingling of growth and expansion stage. This is mainly due to the fact that there are so much research and development (R&D) work being conducted in the industry, creating growth in the industry. At the same time, various players […]

External link to Prevention Plan for Divorce Before Marriage

Prevention Plan for Divorce Before Marriage

Phuong Ho Prof. Janice Falbert CDFS 321 Section 9 Personal Relationships Wellness Philosophy Paper (PRW) Fall 2012 Marriage is one of the most essential factors of human life. It creates the basis for everyone to pursue a better, healthier, and happier life. However, it is the fact that there are more and more couples marrying and then ending up with divorce, and this rate is […]

External link to Discuss board

Discuss board

Review the following scenario: Your process team has been requested to identify technology that would be beneficial to manufacturing and service operations clients (e.g., SBS Seating and MLD Hospital). Consider the following: SBS Seating manufactures leather seating that consists of various components, such as frames; electrical parts (heating and comfort features); padding; and leather sewing (final assembly). It currently uses basic accounting software and high-end […]

External link to Classical Macroeconomic Model

Classical Macroeconomic Model

The new classical macroeconomics model was originated in the early 1970’s by the economists working in the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota. Robert Lucas, Thomas sergeant, Edward Prescott and Neil Wallace are the economists who were behind the formulation of this macroeconomic model. New classical Macroeconomics model opposes John Maynard Keynes- Keynesian macroeconomics and it develops its analysis on a completely neoclassical […]

External link to need presentation

need presentation

  The second oral presentation is on your industry and competitive analysis.  Please, follow these instructions:  1. Present your PESTEL, 5 + (1) Porter’s forces, SWOT analysis (brief presentation) 2. The Comparative analysis of your Value proposition with the primary competitor’s one (Must have, Performers, Delighters) 3. Positioning of your business (We will discuss it on week 7) 4. No more than 5 slides, except […]

External link to Labor Movement Development in Chile: 1990 to Present

Labor Movement Development in Chile: 1990 to Present

Chile underwent a change in 1990 to a democratic form of government.  As a result of this transformation to democracy, the labor movement within Chile has undergone massive development.  As developments have been undergone, several areas of the labor movement have especially experienced change, including collective bargaining, Under the prior authoritarian rule of Augusto Pinochet, collective bargaining negotiations by labor units was strictly limited to […]

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