Home » Whose Sentence is it Anyway?

Whose Sentence is it Anyway?

The title of this lesson is “Whose Sentence is it Anyway?”  It is based on the TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” and is a lesson designed to improve the language arts skills of the students.  Under this lesson plan, the subjects, in this case the students, must be able to complete the sentence that is given to them by the instructor.  The goal of these learning exercises is to be able to improve the emphasized language arts strand related to the presentation of English words and sentences.
An integral part in the learning of language arts has always been the understanding of how certain words, when used in different order and context, have different meanings and are able to convey a totally different message from what was originally intended.  The key component of these exercises in learning the language arts lies in the entertainment value of such and also the group work that is involved, in an attempt to also encourage social interactions among the students.
The main concept to be taught in these exercises involves the understanding of Basic English sentence structures and the use of punctuations in sentences.  Incidental to these learning exercises is the necessity for the students to possess a basic understanding of the many uses of certain words of the English language.  This lesson plan also helps students deal with different social situations and shows what the appropriate responses are to these situations by demonstrating the effects when a proper response is not given as opposed to how effective communication can be when the proper response is provided.

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The structure of the lesson plan will follow the basic outline as reproduced within this report.
Language Arts Activity: Complete the Silly Sentence
Emphasized Language Arts Strand: Presenting
I. The Basic Concepts:
Sentence structure and use of English vocabulary
II. Behavioral Objectives
The students are expected to learn how to form complete and correct sentences.
The students are also expected to be able to relate and interpret how different subjects, verbs and adjectives relate to one another in completing sentences.
III. Materials:
A container marked “Feelings” or “Adjectives”, which contains ten laminated cards with different feelings or adjectives written on them
A container marked “Action” with ten laminated cards with different actions written on them
A container marked “Person” with ten laminated cards with different people or occupations written on them
Laminated “Complete Sentence” cards
Small dry erase board and dry erase markers.
IV. Teaching/ Learning Procedures:
A student is to be chosen as the “Pantomime Presenter” of the group while another student is chosen to be the recorder.  The “Pantomime Presenter” takes one of the laminated strips from each of the three labeled containers.  The three strips drawn should form a silly sentence that the “Pantomime Presenter” must attempt to express without the use of words.  The other students must guess what the words written on each card were and attempt to put these words together to form the silly sentence.
Card subjects may be guessed one at a time such that when one card is guessed the recorder writes it on the board.  The first student to correctly guess all three card subjects together and thus forming a complete sentence receives a “Complete Sentence” card and becomes the next “Pantomime Presenter”.  The previous “Pantomime Presenter” now becomes the recorder.  The first student to collect five “Complete Sentence” cards is awarded with an activity pass which entitles student to five minutes extra center time.
V. Evaluation:
The teacher evaluates the student’s understanding by observing the game playing activity and by helping to clarify questions or problems when needed.

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