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Reflection in Philippine Literature

After 7 years I continued my studies, I am excited on the first day of school, because for me this new test in my life, My first subject is “Philippine Literature in English (Phil. lit. )”, there was a lady entered in our classroom, I think she was also one of the students, but I’m wrong she is our teacher, because the teacher sit in desk and showed that she is our teacher in that subject, Ms. Marites Nillo was her name, “a simple woman but charming” I said to myself. Philippine literature refers to all literature from the Philippines, written in Spanish, English, Tagalog, and a variety of other Philippine languages.
Philippine literature flourished during the Spanish period (nineteenth century) and the first half of the twentieth century. The literature of the Philippines covers a variety of genres, most notably poetry and metrical romances, prose, dramas, religious dramas, and secular dramas. Philippine literature is the key to discover the truth of my self. Often times perceiving what is fact from fiction is really confusing. It is quiet difficult to tell if a certain thing tells the truth or it is just a whole lie, publication of the truth, created in order to deceive.
Philippine literature is a spring board of the truth that is handed down from generation to generation by our ancestors which is handed to us with care. The reason is that if the truth is manipulated, the truth will never be the truth any more but just a sort of knowledge. There is a saying that all truths are knowledge but not all knowledge is truth. I have learned that Philippine literature has brought me the realization of valuing the sense of being of a true Filipino, in spite of what have happened in our history that we are once slaves of the foreign invaders.

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However, the pursuit of happiness enlightens the hearts of the Filipinos into the light of a new nation. The rich cultural heritage of our ancestors has thought me a lot of things about the way of life. For instance the alamat The origin of things and events that usually narrates about the genesis of man, the meaning of life, the constant search of the truth and the profound meaning of life that bathala has brought us.
This thing really intrigues me and gives me the atisfaction of seeking more about the meaning of my life through the lives of our ancestors and the connection of their lives to my life. I have learned also from their examples and wise sayings, that has been cultivated though their hardships. These experiences commonly teach about practical thinking and its application to life, that most of the Filipino are using now as a guide to daily living. I also learned how to make Elegy, and the truth is after I submitted Elegy I discarded it, because I don’t want to think that what someone say when I was dead.
One good example of a wise saying is: nasa Diyos ang awa nasa tao ang gawa. (God helps those people who help them selves. ) This saying gives me the inspiration that even before the time of our ancestors they already have the perception of the existence of a one true God, who has the power to do signs and wonders in our life. That is why we have learned how to pray and constantly asking God’s help in all adversity of our life in order for us to be a productive citizen of our nation.
This fact means that our ancestors have already the sense of religiosity that in life there should be someone that is greater than us, in life there is really the divine hand that is constantly guiding us in everything that we are doing and things that we are trying to achieve. There have been some very well-respected Filipino authors in the history of the Philippines, particularly authors such as Jose Rizal, whose writing during the Spanish colonial era helped to mobilize and reform the thinking of the Filipino people against the Spanish in their conquest of the country and give pride to the Filipino people.
It was the controversial writings of Rizal that became a factor in his execution by the Spanish. The Philippines, having been under Spanish rule for nearly three centuries, changed hands to American rule following the Spanish-American War and a lot of the literature that followed gave a pro-Hipic theme as the country began to adapt to life under American rule, at that time preferring life under Spanish rule. Also I learned about the other National Heroes did in our country, like Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce, Jose Ma.
Panganiban, and Pedro Paterno, they are the leading in Propaganda Movement. The study of literature during this period (the 20th and 21st Century writings) gives fascinating insight to the change that was going on in the Philippines and how the Filipino people were dealing with this. In this way the study of Philippine literature is actually also a study of part of the history of both Spain and America and demonstrates how the Filipino people related to these countries. The writings also point to the identity of the Filipino people during this era and their struggle to have an independent identity under the yoke of foreign rulers.
I have realized that Philippine literature has influenced me so much that it became my way of thinking and feeling toward the appreciation of the beauty of life. In fact, the truth is that Philippine literature lies within the innermost seat of my heart. And no one could ever take it away from me. It means that I am a Filipino in thought, words and in action is the result of my experiences of Philippine literature in my life. This inspiration has helped me to discover the truth of my innermost self.

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