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Art is nature

Art is expression of human imagination or inward and what they feel about the world. Art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely. Could you imagine what will happen if the world without art ? Just look at desk where you are. Someone designed that. It is art. We are all surrounded by art. Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot with a whole gamut of emotion in between. Art gives us a way to be creative and express ourselves.
I could say ” Art is something that makes us more thoughtful and well rounded humans. Also art is created by the processes and products of human creativity and social life, such as languages , literature and history. I would like to share about of the Waldron Gallery experience. It was my first time to interested in oil painting and watercolors painting. I really enjoyed especially for watercolors painting. I looked at art which is called Two rocks. First, the lines are curved it shows that the ocean moving and space looks like linear perspective.
Linear perspective objects close to us appear larger than those further away, even though we know that in truth they are of similar proportions. The shapes are organic and it portrays perfection of watercolors painting. As we looked at Two Rocks painting closer and closer, you can feel ocean wave and many lines portrays the depth and flow by the different color. Just looks so amazing and real . I am the nature lover. Because I was born in Mongolia which is one of the beautiful country in the world.

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And I really appreciate when art related with nature. Can you imagine walking through an art museum and not seeing any trees or water . No mountains or streams, sunrises or sunsets ? No boats on rough waves or relaxing landscape ? It’s impossible, because nature is everywhere in art from the literal to the abstract inspiration provided by the textures, colors and sounds of the natural world. Being outdoors can lift our spirits and stoke our creativity. The beauty of nature reflected in arts is Just another reminder of our need to protect it.

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