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A New Definition of Environmentalism

Environmentalism is believed to be a movement, “especially in politics and consumer affairs” (“Environmentalism,” 2007).  However, politicians and the media continue to disagree about the connection between anthropo genic greenhouse gas emissions and climate change (Oreskes, 2004).

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Those that actively work to protect nature against abuse are referred to as environmentalists or people who are part of the “environmental community” (Shellenberger & Nordhaus, 2005).  The essay about an individual working to protect nature by changing his or her habits and activities is, therefore, a breath of fresh air.  Indeed, it is possible for all individuals to work on protecting nature by changing their habits and activities.

While politicians and the media may continue to disagree about the relationship between global warming and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the individual who deeply contemplates the consequences of his or her habits and activities is wiser for sure.
He or she does not need to join the so-called “environmental community” (Shellenberger & Nordhaus).  Neither does it matter that others may disagree with him or her.  Rather, it is the here and now that the individual protector of the environment is concerned with.
The essay about the individual protector of the environment thereby calls for a new definition of environmentalism: it is a movement, especially in politics, consumer affairs and individual activities, “that works towards protecting the natural world from harmful human activities” (“Environmentalism”).
Whereas politics and consumer affairs are concerned with the protection of the environment on behalf of the unaware if not ‘uncertain’ masses, it is the individual protector of the environment that refuses to accept defeat in this regard.  He or she does not doubt that his or her activities impact the environment.  As a matter of fact, his or her right-mindedness in this matter should be seen as the motive force behind environmental politics and consumer affairs.
Environmentalism. (2007). NineMSN Encarta. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from http://au.encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary /DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=18616
Oreskes, N. (2004). Beyond The Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change.
Science 306 (5702): 1686. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686.
Shellenberger, M., & Nordhaus, T. (2005). The Death of Environmentalism: Global Warming
Politics in a Post-environmental World. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from http://www.grist.org/news/maindish/2005/01/13/doe-reprint/.

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