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COMM 200, AJN, F’19 
Issues & Commonplaces Paper 
(worth 10% of course grade) DUE: Weds., December 4th @ start of class 
What to submit: electronic submission to Cougar Courses AND hard-copy to AJ 
The goal and purpose of this assignment is two-fold and builds upon the Deliberation Logs assignment. The purpose of analyzing arguments is to help us make “responsive and responsible decisions by facilitating our understanding of multiple perspectives on a controversial topic” (Makau & Marty, 2001, p. 206). This rightly assumes that there are already existing perspectives on a given topic. Thus, to engage in the discourse on the course topic, one must be familiar with the various issues and commonplaces that already exist in the academic and public conversation. Whereas the Deliberation Logs demonstrate the ability to closely focus on reading, summarizing, and paraphrasing the arguments of others, the Issues & Commonplaces Paper demonstrates the ability to understand the “big picture” and synthesize the broader discussions of the QOV. 
Issues & Commonplaces paper (3 – 5 full pages) 
This short paper is a modified version of the Deliberation Logs, Step #2 (discussed as step one by Makau & Marty, 2001, p. 208-215). By properly completing this paper, you should have a broad understanding of the issues that drive discussions and disagreements as well as the commonplaces where opposing sides can agree upon topics related to the QoV. For this paper, REMEMBER, you are NOT taking a position regarding the QOV. Rather, you are explaining and synthesizing (via summarizing and paraphrasing) what the broader issues and commonplaces that structure ongoing conversations about the course topic and QoV. 
Thus, you will identify the issues and commonplaces drawn from and supported by sources you have researched. First, you will identify, phrase, and explain the issues in which the multiple sides of the controversy disagree upon. Secondly, you will identify, phrase, and explain the commonplaces that your sources agree upon. 
Be aware that the issues and commonplaces may not always be explicitly stated. Thus, you will need to read and cite a variety of sources that allow you to support what you have identified as the issues and commonplaces. Employ the skills you have in identifying and understanding the questions of fact, value, and policy that are related to the course QoV. Utilizing the central questions is an excellent way to help explain the issues and commonplaces central to our course QoV. The issues and commonplaces paper must be completed individually. 
Grading & Assessment: 

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Issues and commonplaces are accurately and concisely stated (min. 2 of each).
Claims about issues/commonplaces are adequately supported/cited from reliable research.
Comprehensively explains QoV and the multiple sides that comprise the QoV.
Utilizes at least six (6) sources to support claims about issues and commonplaces (textbook
does not count as a source but will likely be cited).
Proper APA (6th ed.) formatting (req’d: cover page, references, in-text citations).
Paper includes a strong intro, preview statement, and accurately synthesizes cited literature.
Does not take a position. (!!!!)

COMM 200, AJN, F’19 
Suggested Format (minimum of two [2] issues and two [2] commonplaces required): 
I. Introduction
a. Attention getter 
b. Statement of purpose
i. Why are you writing this paper? (hint: it has something to do with the QoV…;) 
c. Thesis 
d. Paper preview 

Commonplace #1 of fact, value, or policycan be phrased as a declarative statement.
a. Supporting material from research (citation)
b. Direct quote from evidence (citation)
c. More supporting material from research (citation)
Commonplace #2 of fact, value, or policycan be phrased as a declarative statement. a. Supporting material from research (citation)
b. More supporting material from research (citation)
Issue #1 (question of fact, value, or policy)

Viewpoint “A” in your own words
i. Supporting material from research (citation) ii. More supporting material (citation)
Viewpoint “B” – Another or opposing viewpoint in your own words i. Supporting material from research (citation)
Viewpoint “C” (if applicable) – In your own words
i. Supporting material from research (citation)
ii. More supporting material (citation)

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Issue #2 (question of fact, value, or policy)

Viewpoint “A” in your own words
i. Supporting material from research (citation)
ii. More supporting material (citation)
Viewpoint “B” – Another or opposing viewpoint in your own words
i. Supporting material from research (citation)
Viewpoint “C” (if applicable) – In your own words
i. Supporting material from research (citation) ii. More supporting material (citation)


a. What goes in the conclusion? 

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