Home » Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Protagonists in “The Wedding Banquet”

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Protagonists in “The Wedding Banquet”

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Supporters in “The Wedding Banquet”
The two supporters in Ang Lee’s movie are Simon and Wai Tung. These are two cheery lovers from different parts of the universe, but populating in America. Ang Lee treats love affair in the movie as a complicated affair affecting non merely two persons but besides other stakeholders in their lives, such as, friends and relations. In this essay, I shall show that Ang Lee treats love affair as a complex phenomenon that triumphs despite the obstructions.

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Harmonizing to Lee’s movie, the love affair complication is that Wai Tung and Simon is a cheery twosome who lives in Manhattan. Wai Tung’s parents are conservative and want to see their boy acquire married and bear them a grandchild in order to go on their household line of descent. However, the love affair between Wai Tung and Simon is so strong that they decide to continue it, while they look out for a solution that would affect Wai’s parents. For case, the cheery twosome spends a batch of money in individual nines with an purpose of acquiring Wai perfect bride. To cover up their romantic relationship, Simon suggests that Wai Tung and Wei Wei, their renter who besides has a romantic complication with a Caucasic adult male, prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Wei Wei readily accepts the matrimony thought majorly because she is despairing to go on remaining in America ; hence the demand for a green card ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.265 ) .
The matrimony between is planned in a such a manner that the Wei Wei will remain in America, Wai’s parents will be happy about the intelligence, and that she will go forth the two work forces together enjoy their romantic relationship. This is a clear indicant of a strong love relationship between the supporters, as they are willing to take immense hazards in order to stay happy together. The determination is a slippery one because it is against the in-migration ordinances to remain in the state without a green card or proper mandate. Therefore, the two could be charged for fraud if the governments get wind of their programs. It is besides hazardous because it is against their parents’ want to prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Nevertheless, the possible benefits if the planned matrimony tend to dominate the hazards and the three move on with their programs ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) .
Thinking they besides need to gull the governments, Wai and Wei Wei work on familiarising with each other in order to obtain the in-migration license. It is merely when Wai’s parents, the Gaos announce that they are winging in to go to their son’s nuptials that everyone is thrown into a terror. However, the program can still work efficaciously if merely the three plotters work hard to retrieve and make their functions for the two hebdomads the Gaos will be in the metropolis. The events that follow seem to negatively impact the love affair between Wai and Simon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.277 ) .
Their program about goes through as Wai-Tung’s parents fly in from Taiwan for their son’s nuptials. The luxuriant nuptials feast causes so many complications, as Wei Wei rapes the ‘husband’ and becomes pregnant. Mr. Gao, Wai Tung’s father gets to cognize the truth and sacrifices his traditions for his son’s felicity by following Simon. Ang Lee depicts a same-sex love affair, between two work forces from different racial backgrounds. The love affair between Wei Wei and the Caucasic adult male is inhibited by the cultural and racial difference ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) .
Besides, the nuptials ceremonial takes topographic point without a enlistment. Simon offers to take them out for dinner and they run into Mr. Gao’s old companion. The comrade’s thought to throw a nuptials feast for the twosome in award of his old commanding officer, Mr. Gao puts the program whole program off balance. After a exuberant and intoxicant filled party, the nuptial twosome goes to bed, where things get complicated. In another attempted love affair between Wei and Wai, the former rapes the groom and subsequently realizes that she is pregnant. As a consequence, this becomes a serious job to the homosexual lovers, as that would deteriorate their love relationship. Simon gets annoyed by the bend of events, likely out of green-eyed monster.
Lee besides demonstrates love affair as a self-generated and that can irresistible. This is seen in the in the movie when when Simon and Wai are caught by Mr Gao seeking to mouse into an afternoon sex session. This happens when the cheery twosome thinks that no 1 is in the house. The passionately kiss in the anteroom and deprive each other as they climb the steps. Unfortunately, Mr. Gao is watching and their cupboard love affair is discovered. Ang Lee treats love affair between same sex persons as unacceptable and immoral. This is seen through the manner he makes the characters in the movie behave. For case, Simon and Wai are in secret in love with one another and hope to transport on their relationship behind their parents’ back. This is because it is obvious that the parents will non O.K. of such a relationship, particularly now that they are traditional Chinese who want a grandchild ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Therefore, the movie author depicts a cheery love affair as a frailty in the society that the victims try difficult to conceal it from everyone else.
Compared to Wong Kar-wai’s movie, In the Mood for love, love affair is brought approximately as a complicated matter between a adult male and adult female, who are following door neighbours ( Marcus & A ; Nicholls 2004, p.545 ) . The supporters in this movie are Chow Mo-wan who is a journalist, and Su Li-zhen who is a secretary in a transportation company ( Cui 2007, p.4 ) . The complication in their relationship lies in the manner the love affair began. Leery that their several partners are rip offing on them, they unconsciously develop feelings for each other. Therefore, the supporters in the movie illustrate that love affair is self-generated and resistless ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) .
Ang Lee besides seems to be pass oning a critical message through love affair in the movie that nil remains concealed for long despite the battle to make so. When Simon and Wai’s complicated love relationship is eventually discovered by Mr. Gao, it becomes clear that anything done in secret can ever come out in the visible radiation ; that is truth ever triumphs. Even after his find, Mr. Gao tries to maintain the issue to himself without stating the married woman. This, nevertheless, does non stay a secret for long as Wai Tung succumbs to coerce and defeat of the secret and decides to state the female parent the truth. For case, after his father’s 2nd shot and frequent battles between him, Wei Wei and Simon, Wai opens up to the female parent who is absolutely surprised ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.268 ) .
Correspondingly, Wong Kar-wai, demonstrates that love affair can non be hidden for long. In every bit much as the film’s supporters are seeking to conceal their love relationship, it finally comes out in the unfastened for the neighbours to see. Although Chow and Su are seeking to conceal their feelings from each other, they eventually decide to acknowledge it. Therefore, love affair is a natural phenomenon that is neither difficult to conceal nor stamp down and that the earlier the stakeholders involved accept it, the better for the parties involved ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.32 ) .
Ang Lee’s movie besides dares to convey out love affair through an unusual manner ; gay relationship between the supporters. The society is evidently non amused by such a relationship and in fact discourages it by all agencies. However, through the movie, Jay Lee bravely makes it clear to the spectator that cheery relationships are existent, no affair how hard the society efforts to stamp down it. Through the movie, Lee shows that love affair can be good between opposite sex persons every bit good as same sex spouses. For illustration, Wei Wei was in a romantic relationship with a Caucasic adult male, but her parents would non O.K. of the relationship. The same sex love affair is illustrated by the love between Simon and Wei ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.270 ) .
On contrast, Wong Kar-wai, brings out love affair in a normal manner between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su. Compared to the homosexual love affair between Simon and Wai, Chow and Su’s relationship is acceptable in the society. However, the relationship is criticized by the sixtiess conservative Chinese who find a friendly relationship between a adult male and a adult female as Wyrd. In an attempt to maintain their relationship platonic, the two autumn for each other. Besides, they do non desire to crouch excessively low as their cheating partners, yet the terminal up as lovers ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) .
Even though the society disapproves of such relationships, Lee depicts that it thrives despite all odds. This is illustrated by the instance of the two supporters in the film. Although Wai’s male parent is so aghast to detect the truth about his boy that he suffers a shot, he eventually accepts his position. He even goes to a great extent to back up him by following Simon as his boy. Likewise, Mrs. Gao learns to accept the state of affairs. This makes the two vanquishers as their love relationship continues in malice of the social opposition. Wong Kar-wai in the movie ‘In the Mood for Love’ illustrates a normal love relationship between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su ( Smith 2010, p.173 ) . The movie depicts the love affair between Chow and Su as successful one in the beginning ( Deutelbaum & A ; Poague 2009, p.51 ) . Nevertheless, factors including distance and work affect their relationship a great trade. Chow decides to work in Singapore and leaves behind Su. Finally, the love affair between them of course dies ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.56 ) .
In add-on, Ang Lee’s treats love affair between the two supporters as a natural and self-generated phenomenon. It is demonstrated as a state of affairs that exists between two persons who feel common attractive force and trust between themselves without much attempt. As the movie unfolds, it is clear that the love affair between Simon and Wai started through a phone conversation. Lee uses telephones as a symbol of cheery familiarity. The telephones besides enhance the being of the cupboard and unfavourably impact the familiarity. Besides, their first buss happens after both of them had a conversation to prove the cellular telephone that Simon bought Wai ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) .
What is more, merely as in any other normal love relationship, Lee portrays the love affair between Simon and Wai as strong and existent. Normally, lovers tend to interchange gifts as an look of love. In this instance, Simon buys Wai a portable phone so as to heighten communicating between them. Furthermore, lovers in existent life scenario tend to make one another favours as a manner of showing their feelings. In this instance, Lee depicts a strong love love affair between the supporters through the same ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) .
On the contrary, the cupboard love affair in the drama is besides facilitated by the telephone. Wai’s parents’ presence can be felt in the homosexual relationship even before they land in New York. This happens through the late dark and long distance calls, which serve to interfere with the couple’s slumber. As good, the homosexual relationship in the movie is created by telephone, which may be disembodied and romanticized, but can besides be free of a position of homosexual gender as merely sex ; cold, unemotional, and sterile. The conversation on phone aid to unify the characters and underlines their ignorance and isolation of each other’s feelings. For Wai, the telephone communicating helps to maintain prolong the cupboard ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.276 ) .
In the movie, Jay Lee besides treats love affair as a phenomenon that cuts across racial boundaries in the universe. This is against the traditional position of looking at love affair as possible and should go on between two persons within one racial, spiritual, political, and societal association. The instance of Simon and Wai drives Lee’s message on love affair place. The fact that the two lovers come from different parts of the universe proves that love affair can absolutely go on across different civilizations and races. Simon is an American piece Wai is an Asia, yet they are involved in a strong romantic relationship. Apart from being involved in a homosexual relationship, the two are cross-cultural lovers, something against the traditions of Wai’s conservative parents. The fact that Wai’s parents’ have ever been pressing him to acquire himself a perfect Chinese lady to get married and acquire them a grandchild confirms that they do non O.K. of a cross-cultural or cross-racial matrimony or love affair non to advert cheery matrimony. Therefore, Jay Lee treats the love affair in the movie as diverse phenomenon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000 p.274 ) .
By contrast, Wong Kar-wai movie depicts a complicated love affair between a two Chinese persons, Chow and Su. While Lee shows that love affair knows no cultural, spiritual, political, geographical, and racial boundaries, Wong Kar-wai portrays a love affair that suffers because of work and geographical barriers. Chow and Su’s love affair seems weakened by the distance that finally develops when Chow relocates to Singapore. This leaves the spectator inquiring whether the love affair was non merely meant for convenience as it looks superficial ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) .
Further, Lee’s movie demonstrates that love affair can be and boom against all odds. This is illustrated when the supporters in the movie win in acquiring married. Wai and Simon successfully maintain their relationship. Nevertheless, Wong Kar-wai shows that love affair is hindered by assorted factors including work and distance. For case, when Chow moves to Singapore for work, he leaves Su behind ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.34 ) .
What is more, Lee demonstrates love affair as a dearly-won matter. This implies that for love affair to thrive in any society, a batch of costs are incurred by the parties involved. Lee uses love affair between Simon and Wai to demo this. Since Wai’s household insist on him get marrieding a Chinese lady, the love affair between them greatly affected the household. In fact, their opposition to the homosexual love affair caused Mr. Gao to endure a shot. However, because he wanted to delight his boy, he decides to give his cultural demands and adopts Simon so that he can be portion of the household. Similarly, Wong Kar-wai notes that successful love affair is dearly-won to the stakeholders involved. Chow and Su’s love affair is dearly-won is the sense that they get separated by work and distance. They besides suffer from neighbors’ examination due to the Chinese civilization ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) .
Clearly, love affair is depicted as a complicated matter by Ang Lee’s movie. the complication in this involves assorted facets include same-sex relationship, parents’ opposition, cultural beliefs, costs and forfeits that need to be made. Lee demonstrates that love affair is a natural, self-generated, and dearly-won phenomenon in the society. Besides, Lee shows that love affair can be between same sex persons, hence ensuing in homosexual relationship as it happens between the supporters in the movie. It is besides apparent in the movie that love affair can go on and thrive across political, cultural, societal, spiritual, and racial backgrounds, as it happens between Simon and Wai in the movie. This contrasts with Wong Kar-wai’s thought of convenient love affair hindered by distance and work-related factors. Although Wong Kar-wai ‘s movie brings out normal love affair between a adult male and a adult female, the relationship fails every bit compared to the successful homosexual love affair in Ang Lee’s movie.
Chow, R 2007,Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility, Columbia University Press, Michigan.pp.65-69.
Cui, M 2007,The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai: Chinese and Western Culture Differences in Narrative Cinemas, Universal-Publishers, Sydney. Pp.4-9.
Deutelbaum, M & A ; Poague, L 2009,A Hitchcock Reader, John Wiley & A ; Sons, New Jersey. Pp.51-59.
Hamamoto, DY & A ; Liu, S 2000,Countervisions: Asiatic American Film Criticism, Temple University Press, Hong Kong, Pp. 265-280.
Marcus, L & A ; Nicholls, P 2004,The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 545.
Martin, F & A ; Heinrich, L 2006,Corporal modernnesss materiality, representation, and Chinese civilizations, University of HawaiE»i Press, Honolulu: Pp. 30-70.
Smith, WG 2010,Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher ‘s Guide to 95 Challenging Movies from Around the World, McFarland, Hong Kong. pp. 173-187.

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