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SOCIAL SITUATION: I am looking for thoughtful Point of View writing here that is supported by your analysis and close read of the text. I am looking for a minimum of one full page of writing per topic. Choose four out of the five areas to explore and discuss: Politics, Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality with fully developed thinking and citation support. 
For each topic, I will expect you to follow this format:
One introductory paragraph that articulates your thesis and POV about the topic. 
Body of the Writing: This can be structured in any way that you desire that best helps to illustrate your point. You need to explore TWO examples from the play that help to support your thesis statement. And for each example you need to quote and cite TWO examples from the text.
A strong conclusion that ties everything together and supports your initial thesis.

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1: Arkadina
2: Dorn:bring new life a doctor give suggestion to Treplev about writing and his is the only who loves Treplev’s play. 
3: Masha
4: Medvedenko
5: Nina
6: Polina
7: Shamraev
8: Sorin
9: Treplev
10: Trigorin
Casting Photo: You then need to choose a contemporary well-know actor who you would cast in this role and include their PHOTO. Then explain what you believe this actor could bring to the role and why these attributes are useful in helping us to understand the character. 

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