At the end of weeks 5 and 8, a 3-5 page case analysis paper will be due. One of the most important 
skills a person can develop is the ability to communicate effectively. As in all business courses, 
students need to communicate about case background, what are the issues, what happened, discuss
issues/solutions in details, what patterns they discovered, and what conclusions may be drawn from 
their data and the concepts they developed. Students need to link their discussion back to the 
topics/theories covered in class. Although it is expected that with each case study analysis paper you 
practice these skills, they are practiced less extensively than with a research paper. A case analysis 
paper in business is much the same as a term paper in an English class. It should be well written, 
well organized, and nicely presented.
As explained in the syllabus and in class, you’re to use a business ethics case I provided to you in the
course shell or choose one on your own. You should have at least 3 different sources for reference. 
The textbook should be your first point of reference, of course.
In addition to answering the case 
study analysis, the paper should include basic theory, structures, and diagrams to support your 
position or point of view.
Suggested Outline for your paper:
Cover page: Term paper title, course number, names of student and instructor, date, etc. 
Abstract.  300 words
Table of content, pagination of the document.
Topic/Issue/Problem Description: Introduction and overview of the problem/issues.
Discussions: Fundamental analysis with details and graphs/diagrams where applicable. 
Conclusion: Sum it all up and state what you have learned/explain your position.
References: List of references with standard formats and appropriate citations in the text.
Written Papers Format: 
All papers must be word-processed; handwritten papers are NOT acceptable. 
Assignments must be typed in 
-space with no more than 
font size. 
Written assignments will contain a 
cover page
showing the workshop number, title of the 
course, title of the paper, your name, and the date; as well as a reference page when citing 
must be properly referenced in accordance with accepted principals.
The format for papers at Columbia College follows the guidelines published in the fifth edition of
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA manual can
be checked out from the library and/or can be purchased.
Critera must be followed
Paragraph(s) have 
three or more 
supporting detail 
sentences that 
relate back to the 
main idea.
Each supporting 
detail sentence 
has three or more 
elaborating detail sentences.
Main/Topic idea 
sentence is clear, 
correctly placed, 
and is restated in 
the closing 

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