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The Effects of Traveling Abroad

Cause and effect essay The Effects of Traveling Abroad Why do people take a journey for a short or long period of time? Even though journey takes a lot of money and time, most people want to take a journey to learn something from the journey when they can afford to. Journey is precious especially when people leave themselves from where they live. What kind of benefits do they have from the journey? By leaving where they live, people come to know themselves, their family and friends who are always with them. There are numerous old proverbs regarding the journey over the world.
One thing those proverbs indicate is journey is a great experience in our life and helps the life improving. I am going to talk about the effects of journey by giving my own experience of traveling abroad with the proverbs. “To make your children live successful, send them on journey early on. ” There is an old proverb with journey. This proverb comes up with my parents who sent me and my brother to England when I was 13 years old. At that time, I was too young to know where I was going to and who am I. However, the staying in England, consequently, made me know myself a little bit and meet the totally new world.
The experience in England contributes to my thinking and dream in a global way. Ultimately, my parents’ decision sending me and my brother on journey early on had great effects on our life. “To know and understand your friend, take a trip with her or him for four days. ” I’ve heard many times from my friends about traveling abroad with friends. Most people who took a journey abroad with their friends had a fight during the journey. When couples go on a trip together, they always have a fight during the trip.

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I know two couples who broke up after traveling abroad. They realized that they don’t get along well from the journey. In my experience, I’ve been to Japan for five days with my best friend who I’ve known when I was middle school student. Before beginning our journey, I was really worried about our friendship. That’s why I tried to being nice and understand her point of view in planning our journey. We had a disagreement when we were traveling in Japan but we got over soon because we know each other very well and we didn’t want to break our friendship.
Through this journey with my closest friend, we have been getting closer and thinking each other more precious. “Journey makes people not only pure but also strong. ” This proverb implies the importance of journey in our life especially regarding oneself. In 2009 before the Vancouver Olympic Games 2010, I went to Vancouver to do volunteering activities for 6 months at the Olympic venue. At that time, I lived in a foreign country for a long time, bought some foods, made my plates, and did laundry by myself for the first time.
This life in Vancouver, as a result, changed the way of thinking and made me see the broad world. Sometimes I had trouble living other country and was in a slump doing my volunteering activities. This led me to look back on myself. By living other country alone, I had much time thinking about my life, dream and future in my country. After then, when I come across challenges, I can overcome even though how hard they are. It is an undeniable fact that people have learned a lesson from traveling abroad. We can experience new culture, food, people and atmosphere from the journey.
During the period of time traveling abroad, we can have enough time to think about ourselves and change our point of view. Journey makes us grow up in a good way. That’s why people always want to leave somewhere nice to feel a new environment and make their life plentiful. Traveling abroad always accompany with troubles and problems. We can realize wisdom of life by experiencing lots of hard times during the traveling. Like the old proverbs, “Travel broadens the mind, and raises the spirits. ”, traveling abroad teaches how to see and live our life.

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