Home » Counterarguments/Rebuttals


This is the question 
Follow the three steps below:
1) Provide your argument for the Essay (might be your thesis)
2) Considering your stance and the claims you will need to make to defend it, consider what counterarguments may arise over the course of your argument.  Perhaps it’s an attack on one of your weaker claims, or alternative solution than one you suggest, or a direct refutation of your main thesis.   Explain briefly (2-4 sentences) three possible counterarguments against your stance and the support that exists for the counterargument.
3) For each of the three counterarguments you gave, provide a rebuttal (2-4 sentences); one that defends your thesis and counters the counterargument.  Be wary of the common mistakes listed in the lecture notes!
MLA citation.

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(For help on this assignment, consult the notes bellow)
This is the explanation
A counterargument is an argument (point/reason/view/evidence) that your opponent would make.
A rebuttal is when you respond directly to your opponent’s argument or point to explain/show how or why they are wrong.
The two steps:
1) The Turn Against: You first imagine a skeptical reader, or cite an actual source, who might resist your argument by pointing out
· a problem with your demonstration, e.g., that a different conclusion could be drawn from the same facts, a key assumption is unwarranted, a key term is used unfairly, certain evidence is ignored or played down;
· one or more disadvantages or practical drawbacks to what you propose;
· an alternative explanation or proposal that makes more sense.
You introduce this turn against with a phrase like One might object here that… or It might seem that… or It’s true that… or Admittedly, or Of course,… or with an anticipated challenging question: But how…? or But why…? or But isn’t this just…? or But if this is so, what about…? Then you state the case against yourself as briefly but as clearly and forcefully as you can, pointing to evidence where possible. (An obviously feeble or perfunctory counterargument does more harm than good.)
The Turn Back
Your return to your own argument—which you announce with a but, yet, however, nevertheless or still—must likewise involve careful reasoning, not a flippant (or nervous) dismissal. 
If your argument was: “We should get a cat.”
And your parents’ counterargument was: “But your sister Susie is allergic to cats.”
Options for rebuttal may go as follows: 
· Point out the flaws [errors] in the counterargument
o Ex. Well, I heard you say that Susie is allergic, but there’s actually a problem with that because Lisa was around a dog yesterday and she was fine. 
· Agree with the counter-argument, but provide new evidence that perhaps contradicts or weakens their argument
o Ex. I agree that Lisa’s allergic to cats, but there are some breeds of cats that are hypo-allergenic and won’t cause people’s allergies to act up.
· Agree with the other side’s support but show how the facts can be used to suit your argument
o Ex. I know that you said Lisa is allergic, but couldn’t owning a pet also build up her tolerance?
· Make an emotional plea that outweighs their argument (This should be your LAST resort)
o Ex. Well you said that we can’t have a pet because of Lisa, but are Lisa’s allergies really as important as rescuing that cat at the shelter who’s trapped in the cage and will be killed if he doesn’t find someone to adopt him? 
Common Mistakes: 
Example argument: Burger King makes the best burgers.
1) Irrelevant counter-argument: 
a. Counter: Some say that McDonald’s fries are better. (does not contradict thesis)
2) Irrelevant Rebuttal
a. Counter: Some point out that Five-Guys has higher reviews.
b. Rebuttal: The cashier at Burger King is nicer. (does not address the Counterargument)
3) One-Sentence Counter Argument
a. Counter: Some don’t think Burger King makes the best burgers. (Doesn’t give time to represent opposition’s argument.)
4) One-Sentence Rebuttal.
a. Counter: Five-guys has higher reviews
b. Rebuttal: Wrong. (Doesn’t fully address the counterargument–dismisses it)
5) Repeating points made earlier in the paper—Rebuttal should not merely rehash the same facts you’ve covered.
6) Lack of transitional language. 
a. Counter: McDonald’s makes the best burgers. (without transitional language, it sounds like the paper now argues against its thesis.)

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