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assignment 7/17

together with your knowledge/experience, explain your believe on ethics, quality satisfaction, and social responsibility. As a good and effective quality director/manager, what is your working philosophy? Write 2-3 paragraphs, not exceeding 300 words.
Part 2: Answer questions and express your thought from these 2 activities: 1) An ethical dilemma, and 2) Have we spoiled customers? Your writing should be between 500-900 words (single space, Times NW 12), or not exceeded 2 pages. Post your writing into the Discussion Board, under forum “Assignment Three – Quality Satisfaction and Corporate Social Responsibility”.
Critical Thinking Activity – An Ethical Dilemma
Image Products Inc. and Lovan corporation are major producer of shampoos, conditioners, and other bath products for women. They are also intense competitors. Recently, Lovan has surged ahead in the marketplace on the strength of a new shampoo that is outselling the leading products of all competitors, including Image Products. This new product is based on a supersecret formula that produces a shampoo with a silky texture and a pleasant aroma. Consumers love it.
John Parker, supervisor of the research and development department for Image Products, is under intense pressure to replicate Lovan’s formula. Unfortunately for Parker, all of his attempts to break the code have failed. As a result, Image Products has lost so much market share that company-wide layoffs are imminent. Parker’s wife and their daughter, who is 3 months pregnant, both work at Image Products. Both will lose their jobs in the first round if layoffs are necessary. Because the firm is located in a rural one-company town, the chances of his wife and daughter finding other jobs are slim at best.
A potential solution has fallen into Parker’s lap. A disgruntled chemist from Lovan has applied for a vacant position in Parker’s department. He has made it clear to Parker that, if hired, he can bring Lovan’s coveted formula with him. However he will do so only if Parker brings him in at top dollar- a demand that is not justified by the chemist’s credentials.
Assume that John Parker is a friend and that he asks your advice about how to handle this situation. What will you recommend to him, and why? What model would you apply in dealing with this dilemma if you were in Parker’s position? Why?
Critical Thinking Activity – Have We Spoiled Customers?
“If you want to understand how the worldwide quality movement has benefited consumers, just look at automobiles. What used to be considered a luxury option is now just standard,” said one quality manager. “That is precisely the problem,” said another quality manager, “We have spoiled the consumer. Now customers will never be happy no matter what we do.” Join this debate, what is your opinion concerning the following questions?

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Are global consumers spoiled and unrealistic in their expectations, or are they finally demanding their rights in the marketplace?
How has the worldwide demand for quality driven the concept of innovation? How has innovation changed your life?
If you were a quality director, what would be your quality philosophy or principles for your department’s employees?

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