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Application of business skills

Concentrated and continuing efforts on the part of the organization are made to relate its technology, structure and people to application of business skills. The act of self- examination from time to time forms the basis of organization renewal. The different stages in this process are 1) Sensing of change: Organizations should be aware of changes in their internal and external environment. Unable to perceive these changes, the organization fails to cope adequately with its environment. 2) Identification of the implication of these changes.
The question is how these changing forces are going to affect the ongoing system. 3) Deciding an appropriate plan of action. A suitable course of action is conceived on the basis of: • obtaining necessary information with regard to 1 and 2 based on surveys, reports, statistical data and such other fact finding methods. • accurate evaluation of the obtained information. • deciding at what sub-system level i. e. technology or individual/group the necessary changes are to be brought about. • weighing the different alternatives for their probabilities for effectively coping with external forces.
4) Introducing the change. The intended changes are implemented. Timely action is important. 5) Stabilizing the position, enough system support is to be given to freeze the position i. e. consolidate the new equilibrium. 6) Obtaining feedback on the outcome of change for further sensing of the state of the external environment and the degree of integration of the internal environment. The present day organizations are at a nexus of various external and internal forces. Organizational renewal is of high priority so that organizations can do a self-analysis of their growth and their problems.

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The organizational leadership should look for new paths, new methods and innovative approaches so that the organization can cope with changing demands and forces. Innovation Innovation may be defined as a new idea or practice or approach that helps the system or the individual to deal effectively with a problem or change. Innovation is possible if the organization has a conducive environment for it to occur such as openness flexibility, decentralization etc. Some characteristic features are: • It does not function in isolation or vacuum.
Innovative changes should be thought of in a system perspective i. e. the likely changes in the internal sub-systems. • It thrives in a collaborative rather than a competitive environment. • Acceptability of innovative change depends upon: 1. Its relative advantage over the existing ideas 2. Compatibility with existing norms, values 3. Compatibility with existing skills. If innovative changes require new skills, people should be trained sufficiently in advance. Otherwise, resistance may be built inspite of the functional value.
• Innovative planning is an organizational necessity for self-renewal and business development. TASK 4 ANALYSES The concept of quality skills of work has been operationalised through various systems such as job enrichment, workers’ participation in management, organization development, quality circles, employee welfare, etc. While some of these schemes have been successful in improving the quality of work, others are still to show results.. Individuals as well as organized efforts are required to improve the quality of work.
The responsibilities of different groups in improving the quality of work life are as below: 1. Responsibilities of Employers: a. Provision of physical amenities at the work place, safety and welfare provisions. b. Involving workers in decision making on all matters. c. Initiating suitable forms of work design. d. Formalization of experiences for future use. e. A re-examination of policies of work. f. Developing an appreciation of changing environment. 2. Responsibilities of workers: a. Educating and making workers aware of quality in work. b. Search areas of collaboration with management.
c. Identifying ways and means to satisfy workers’ needs through non-monetary alternatives. d. Organizing labor making them aware of quality. e. Encouraging workers to participate in day to day production activities. 3. Responsibilities of professional organizations: a. Organize workshops and seminars to bring about greater awareness of quality workmanship. b. Initiate specific research projects in this field. c Provide professional assistance to organizations to help generate internal competences d Developing special programmes for various classes of workers.
e Developing a network for collection, storage and dissemination of information REMEDIAL MEASURES TO REMOVE SUCH WEAKNESSES 1. Job Redesign: Narrow jobs need to be combined into large units of accomplishment. Jobs should be redesigned to enrich them, Job enrichment helps to satisfy higher order needs by providing interesting, stimulating and challenging work. 2. Career Development: Opportunity for career advancement and growth personality improves commitment. Career planning, counseling second careers, etc, help to meet expectations of achievement-oriented employees.
3. Autonomous Work Groups: In an autonomous work groups, employees are given the freedom of decision making. In such a group the workers themselves plan, coordinate and control their activities. The group as a whole is accountable for success or failure. It is also called a self-managed work team. 4. Flexible Work Schedules: Flexible working hours, staggered hours, reduced work weak, job sharing, part-time employment and other types of alternative work schedules provide freedom to employee in scheduling their work. 5.
Participative Management: Employees want to participate in deciding matters which affect their lives. Therefore, quality circles, management by objectives, suggestion system and other forms of employees’ participation in management help to improve the organization. 6. Job Security: Adequate security of job is a high priority of employees and should be provided. 7. Administrative Justice: The principles of justice, fair and quality should be applied in disciplinary procedure, grievance procedures, promotions, work assignment, leave, etc.

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