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Assignment task

When working we must all understand our duty of care. We have a responsibility towards our Service users and must remember we have a duty to respect them, their opinions and treat them with dignity. This Includes working In a way which protects them from harm, danger and abuse whilst acknowledging their choices and preferences. Our Duty of Care affects our role as we have to be familiar with and follow all risk assessments and policies and procedures In place whilst continuing to respect the pollens and decisions of the Service User.
For example, you may have a Service seer who refuses to wash and dress when offered assistance which creates a consummately being that we have a Duty of care and the service user has a right to refuse. Sometimes you may be able to gently encourage the Service user to change their mind and they may allow you to assist them, however at times you may need to ask Senior Members of staff to have a gentle word with the Service user as sometimes a different person, maybe someone in authority or someone they have known a lot longer and have a rapport with can help.
A Service User must know that their rights and opinions are respected. Sometimes if a Service User refuses help or assistance this can be upsetting for the Social Care Worker as they may feel that they have not carried out their Job properly however we need to remember that the Service User has the right to refuse personal care. The Care giving Organization must adhere to the Duty of Care in a setting such as a residential care home.

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This ensures that the Service Users are protected as well as the staff. This is possible because all codes of practice are carried out and this makes the home a safer environment. This ensures that correct procedures are followed such as, all mandatory training is carried out and up to date, all equipment is regularly checked and chemicals are stored correctly. It Is our Duty as Social Care Workers to ensure that our Service Users are safe.
Our Duty of Care contributes to safeguarding our Service Users by ensuring that we am able to understand signs of neglect/abuse – as a Social Care Worker, we have a duty of care to all vulnerable adults and If we should notice any signs/landscapers of abuse or neglect that we report It the relevant third parties to protect the Service User. It Is Important that we understand and that we are able to recognize these signs/ Indicators. These may Include rapid weight loss, this may be due to neglect and malnutrition.
We may notice sudden changes In behavior, loss of concentration, disturbed sleep pattern, we may notice pain, bruising and bleeding In the genital area. This may be due to sexual abuse. There are many signs of abuse and It Is our responsibility to safeguard our Service Users at all times. Assignment 304 task a By caddishness towards our Service Users and must remember we have a duty to respect them, their opinions and treat them with dignity. This includes working in a way which protects
Our Duty of Care affects our role as we have to be familiar with and follow all risk assessments and policies and procedures in place whilst continuing to respect the opinions and decisions of the Service User. For example, you may have a Service User who refuses to wash and dress when offered assistance which creates a conflict/dilemma being that we have a Duty of Care and the Service User has a right to refuse. Sometimes you may be able to gently encourage the Service User to need to ask Senior Members of staff to have a gentle word with the Service User as It is our Duty as Social Care Workers to ensure that our Service Users are safe.
Our of care to all vulnerable adults and if we should notice any signs/indicators of abuse or neglect that we report it the relevant third parties to protect the Service User. It is important that we understand and that we are able to recognize these signs/ indicators. These may include rapid weight loss, this may be due to neglect and malnutrition. We may notice sudden changes in behavior, loss of concentration, disturbed sleep pattern, we may notice pain, bruising and bleeding in the genital area, this may be due to sexual abuse. There are many signs of abuse and it is our

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