Home » WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT course scholar

WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT course scholar


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Assignment Instructions

This assignment is due at the end of Week 8. Be certain that you have done all the readings before attempting to do this assignment.

This course has been about the changes that take place as we move from childhood to adolescence. Now it’s time to bring some of that information together, so that you can consider human growth and development in context.

Think about the 6-year-old you and the 16-year-old you. Consider physical, social/emotional, and cognitive changes. What things are very different? What things are very much the same? 

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Now consider the 16-year-old you and the current you. Consider physical, social/emotional, and cognitive changes. What things are very different? What things are very much the same?

Please use the attached chart for your answers. (click on the attachment below under Supporting Materials)

· Give three examples of development in each of the domain categories.

· Show how these things are different in the “current me” column.

· Using 75-100 words, describe which theor(ies) explain these changes and how.

Important Note:  Please reach out to your instructor to discuss any concerns that you may have regarding the personal nature of this assignment.

Grading Rubric  


CHFD307 Assignment 3





Student exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the   assignment.  The student provides three (3) examples of development in   each of the three domain categories (physical, social/emotional and   cognitive) for a combined total of six (6) for the 6 yr old and 16 yr old   self. 



Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject   matter in the assignment.  Assignment shows an impressive level of depth   of student’s ability to relate course content to practical examples and   applications by noting similarities and differences in the “current me”   column.



Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with   a variety of current and/or worldviews in the assignment.  Student   presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment by   describing which theor(ies) explain the noted changes.



Evidence of research for materials/content is cited within   the chart and listed in a reference section using APA format. You must   support your writing with  a minimum of 2 references.



Clarity of writing style Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling






Six-year-old me

Cognitive Development

Physical Developmet

Social/Emotional Development

How is this the same from the   current me?

How is this different from the   current me?

What theories help to explain these   changes? Why? (include References)



Sixteen-year-old me

Cognitive Development

Physical Developmet

Social/Emotional Development

How is this the same from the   current me?

How is this different from the   current me?

What theories help to explain these   changes? Why?(include References)





Supporting Materials

· https://edge.apus.edu/library/image/sakai/excel.gif Assignment 3 Chart _r_2.xlsx (10 KB)

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