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DEAL Reflection Paper: Five Face Of Oppression

Assignment #2: DEAL Reflection Paper

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Write a reflection paper in accordance with APA, 6th ed. (no more than 5 double-spaced pages – excluding title page and reference page). Don’t begin a reflection activity by asking “What did I learn?” The purpose of reflection is to generate learning—not simply a display of what was learned. Reflection is not the same as description although description is a good first step in reflection. A brief paragraph to get the reader acquainted with your focus and the context is helpful.

Use the exact DEAL format as presented to complete this structured critical reflection paper. Critical thinking is expected throughout this reflection paper. You must use APA, 6th Edition format, citing all sources, and include a reference page.


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Discuss, in fair amount of detail, the who, what, where and when as objectively (honestly) as possible your experiences with the readings, the class discussions, class activities, videos, lecture, academic content, and focus on what stood out for you as a learning experience connected to oppression, power, and diversity. Be sure to cite sources. You may choose to begin your reflection with “In preparation for this reflection I….”


With the description section as well as past, current, or potential life experience (e.g., personal, service-learning, practicum, employment) in mind, examine a specific concept, theory, or issue related to oppression, privilege, power, and diversity as related to your social work practice. EXAMINE is a closer focus for the purpose of analysis. The goal is to examine and integrate. Examine why you think you reacted to the material the way that you did. What is it about your background or personal or professional experiences that might explain why you had the reaction that you did? Essentially, in this section, you will be applying your personal and/or professional experiences to the material discussed in the course thus far. You should consider beginning this section with a variation of the following sentence: “After studying the course materials and reflecting after class discussion, I began to reflect on personal experiences.” Again, cite sources.

III. ARTICULATE LEARNING: Respond to the following questions.

What did I learn?

How did I learn it? (Be specific. It is not sufficient to merely state, I reflected or wrote. Think about what it was with regard to the assignment, afterwards conversation, reflection, etc… that prompted your learning.)

Why does this learning matter? (personally and professionally)

What will I do in the future, in light of this learning? (personally and professionally)


Intellectual   Standards* for Critical Thinking





Clearly stated ideas with detail in   the descriptions that serve to clarify statements.

Are my ideas clearly stated and are   my examples of the topic clear to the reader? Did I provide examples?   Can I elaborate?



Statements or claims that are   supported with evidence (citations) and are factually correct.

Did I support my claim with evidence?   How do I know this to be truthful? How can I validate my claim? Did   I use too much anecdotal experience to support my claim?



Statements that are key to the   primary thesis and connect to a central point.

Are my statements connected to the   topic? How is what I discussed of concern to the overall issue?



The discussion and conclusions   reflect the complexity of the issue.

Have I covered the complexity of the   issue? Are there other themes that need to be explored to do the issue   justice?



Reasoning that makes sense and   conclusions that are in keeping with statements made throughout the   discussion.

Does the introduction match my conclusions? Did   I put forth and follow a line of thought that makes sense? Are my   conclusions a reflection of the complexity of the issue discussed?



The discussion reflects multiple   viewpoints and possibilities.

What would another perspective   include? Is there another way to interpret this? Did I research   alternative perspectives? Can I turn my discussion upside down for   a different vantage point?

S501: Grading Rubric Structured Critical Reflection #2


Section evaluated











Description with clarity, accuracy,   & relevance using objectivity and coherence in relating the experience of   consuming course materials.

Description is clear, accurate &   demonstrates objectivity in relating the experience of reading the texts.

Some detail with clarity and   objectivity, but lacks consistency throughout section.

Significant lack of detail,   objectivity, and evidence of disjointed presentation of section.



You related your   personal/professional experiences, as appropriate and relevant to the   material discussed in the course.

Identification of relevant issues   presented with clarity & accuracy. Questions explored &   discussed with, depth, breadth, and logic. All claims are supported with   evidence.

For the most part, you relatedyour   personal/professional experiences, as appropriate and relevant to the   material discussed in the course.

Identification of an issue and   explored with clarity. Some depth & breadth in the   discussion. Claims are supported.

You somewhat relatedyour   personal/professional experiences, as appropriate and relevant to the   material discussed in the course.

Some identification of an issue,   thoughts, feelings & beliefs are not clearly examined, with at least 2 IS*.

You did not relate your   personal/professional experiences, as appropriate and relevant to the   material discussed in the course.

Issue thoughts, feelings &   beliefs are not clearly examined with little evidence to support claims or   little to no utilization of IS*.


Articulate Learning

All aspects of the 4-part structure   are fully addressed and clear evidence of learning is articulated with IS*   fully evidenced.

All aspects of the 4-part structure   are addressed and some evidence of learning is articulated with IS*.

Most aspects of the 4-part structure   are addressed and some evidence of learning is articulated, but inconsistent IS*.

Aspects of the 4-part structure are   unclear and little evidence of learning is articulated with no IS*.


Use of APA style & format

Grammar, APA style and format are   used correctly throughout the paper.

Only minor problems with grammar   & APA style and format.

Most of the paper uses correct   grammar & APA style and format.

Many problems with grammar and/or APA   style. e.g., no page numbers for direct quotes.


General quality of writing 

Paper is very well written, organized   in accordance with the assignment, no errors in grammar, spelling, and   punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences are well developed and clear.

Paper is well written, very few   errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences   are developed.

Paper is generally well written and   organized with some problems with grammar, spelling, and   punctuation. Some lack of clarity.

Paper is not very well   written. Many problems with grammar, spelling, and punctuation

*IS—critical thinking standards

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