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can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

all the readings are attached, please have it with the correct APA citation.

I just need to response to the Discussions,  Use personal experience, course resources such as textbook and additional readings, library references and resources, and well-reputed internet sources, which includes reputable media sources, as well as scholarly sources. Your primary response to the topic/questions posed should be 2 -3 paragraphs discussion, and be thoughtful, well-written, and include appropriate APA in-text citation(s) and reference(s) when appropriate.

1)   customized to fit the individual target groups.

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This week, development of print materials was reviewed in connection with methods and techniques that enhance effectiveness. For the discussion board this week you will review print materials for the CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Campaign:

· Research smoking behavior and report measures of prevalence specific to two populations (e.g. 28% of American Indians smoke, and one additional population) and three health challenges (disease/disability) that result from this behavior. Include relative statistics.

· Next, discuss and state the main aspects that should be considered when determining readability and addressing diversity of print materials (see Chapter 9).

· Then, review the CDC Matte Articles used in the Tips From Former Smokers Campaign. Using the attached SMOG readability index below, choose a matte article to apply the SMOG tool to. Report what article you selected AND the outcome of the SMOG assessment to the matte article.

o What grade level did the assessment reveal? Health material should be written at a 6th to 8th grade level, does the article comply with this?

o Did the article seem to address diversity in connection to the group it was created for?

· SMOG FORMULA Documentsmog_formula.pdf

Reply and discuss with your colleagues in the peer response posts. Do you find their research and outcomes interesting? How may the written material they reviewed be improved? 


· You are required to use at least THREE sources from the text, government reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, additional textbooks and the CDC and Smog Formula resource.

· Use your OWN WORDS (e.g., do not cut and paste from a government report or article).

·  Paraphrase (use your own words) to report the information.

· Include APA formatted in-text citations to identify your sources AND include full APA formatted references for your sources at the end of your post.

Submission: To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.

Peer Response Posts: You will also respond to at least two classmate posts.

· It is recommended that one of these 2 posts respond to the comment of a student that responded to your initial post in order to further the discussion.

· Classmate responses should be 4-5 complete sentences and should further the conversation using personal experience, information from the textbook or other outside sources, asking questions, and more.  In addition to the focus of the peer responses listed above, you might also want to think about how your classmates answered this question differently or similarly to you. What did you learn from their post?  What was most surprising or interesting?  What do you agree with or disagree with? Perhaps this might spark some comments and feedback for one another in your responses.

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