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1.	The term _____ refers to rituals that recognize an individual's movement from one status to another.
		means of access
		check points
		rites of passage
2. What is the name of the process by which an individual becomes a member of a particular culture and takes on its values, beliefs, and behaviors?
	A.	Social access
	B.	Indoctrination
	C.	Reincarnation
	D.	Socialization
3. Parents expect their children to acquire particular characteristics (like walking, talking, etc.) by certain ages. This set of expectations is called the:
	A.	Developmental timetable
	B.	Developmental niche
	C.	Value schedule
	D.	Planned conformity
4.   According to psychologist Lev Vygotsky, what kind of interaction is most likely to advance the intellectual development of a child?
	A.	Interaction with the media, especially television
	B.	Guided interaction with a more knowledgeable partner
	C.	Interaction with the child's peers
	D.	None, because the child's intellectual development is determined by biological factors
5. The stages of development as proposed by Piaget appear to be:
	A.	Inconsistent across cultures
	B.	Common only in children from Western cultures
	C.	Common only among middle-class children
	D.	Universal across cultures
6. Societal expectations affect the way people interpret intelligence. For example, in Western cultures, fluid intelligence is particularly valued. Which of the following most accurately characterizes fluid intelligence?
	A.	Wisdom: Knowledge and experience accumulated by the individual
	B.	Ability to count money and perform other financial operations
	C.	Intuition: Ability to predict without the use of rational processes
	D.	Ability to form concepts, think abstractly, and apply knowledge to new situations

7.    Studies show that collectivism is positively correlated with what style of parenting?
	A.	Democratic style
	B.	Inconsistent style
	C.	Authoritarian style
	D.	Equality-oriented style
8. Erikson's theory of socialization is better applied to societies that practice a certain type of socialization. Which one?
	A.	Broad
	B.	Narrow
	C.	Reversed
	D.	Absent, not present
9. One of the criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that the developmental stages are too closely linked with Western values. Which two values are specifically cited?
	A.	Liberalism and conservativism
	B.	Liberalism and individualism
	C.	Achievement motivation and competitiveness
	D.	Low power distance and high uncertainty avoidance
10. Right handedness in children appears to be:
	A.	Genetic but prevalent in Western cultures
	B.	Genetic but less common in Western cultures compared to others
	C.	A learned habit based on teachers' attitudes
	D.	Genetic and prevalent in all cultures

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