External link to Genesis Energy Capital Plan Report

Genesis Energy Capital Plan Report

The Genesis Energy operations management team, nearing completion of its agreement with Sensible Essentials, was asked by senior management to present a capital plan for the operating expansion. The capital plan was not to be a wish list but an analysis of the necessary expenditures to successfully establish a fully equipped operating facility overseas.   In addition, senior management requested meaningful financial and operating metrics […]

External link to Investment Risk Management

Investment Risk Management

Assignment 2: Investment Risk Management Due Week 8 and worth 280 points Risk management negligence within the financial services industry contributed to one of the most significant economic crisis in the recent history of the U.S. During this time, Lehman Brothers, a global financial services company, filed for bankruptcy protection. This created the largest bankruptcy ever within the financial services industry. In order to complete […]

External link to Polynomial


1. Factor the following polynomial. 2. The amount E of voltage is an electrical circuit is given by the formula Write an equivalent expression by factoring the expression The equivalent equation is ___ = E 3. Factor out the greatest common factor. Assume that variables used as exponents represent positive integers. 4. Factor the following polynomial completely. Type your answer in factored form. 5. Factor […]

External link to The Neurological Assessment Of The Infant

The Neurological Assessment Of The Infant

Assignment 2: The Neurological Assessment of the Infant (Ages Birth to 12 Months)   Please answer the following in a 2 page APA-style paper. The infant neurological assessment is very important to assess. The infant experiences significant growth and development during the first year of life. Discuss the infant neurological exam, including milestones that should be achieved in the first year.   Submit your 2 […]

External link to Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis

GB570 Unit 4 Individual Project Assignment   Value Chain Analysis   The main purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company selected in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Use the […]

External link to Term Paper: The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer A-Plus Writer

Term Paper: The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer A-Plus Writer

Term Paper: The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer This assignment consists of five (5) parts: Part 1: Organization Chart Part 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) Plan Part 3: Physical Security Plan Part 4: Enterprise Information Security Compliance Program Part 5: Risk Management Plan Imagine that you have been recently promoted to serve as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for a Fortune 500 organization. This organization […]

External link to Application Of Personality Theory

Application Of Personality Theory

Movie: The Blind SIde **choose 1 character from the film**     Section 2 of your paper requires you to apply the theories you chose in Section 1 to the character in your chosen film. Do not critique the film. Rather, you should focus on the personality, behaviors, and attitudes of the film’s character. Section 2 of your paper requires you to write an 6-8 page […]

External link to Artifact Analysis Worksheet

Artifact Analysis Worksheet

An artifact is something made by a human. It can be anything that a human conceived of as art. For this assignment, you are being asked to find and share a human-crafted object or artifact. It can be anything that was crafted deliberately.     Make sure that your selection is electronically shareable and meaningful to you so that you can evaluate the piece with […]

External link to 4 Question Garfield

4 Question Garfield

1.      Garfield Company purchased, as an available-for-sale securities, $80,000 of the 9%, 5-year bonds of Chester Corporation for $74,086, which provides an 11% return. Prepare Garfield’s journal entries for (a) the purchase of the investment, (b) the receipt of annual interest and discount amortization, and (c) the year-end fair value adjustment. The bonds have a year-end fair value of $75,500. Assume effective interest amortization is […]

External link to LAB


Create a new Microsoft Access database named DryCleaning. Note that Microsoft Access does not support the use of SQL scripts to create databases. In a Microsoft Word document, type the SQL script that you would use to create the database. Add a table named Customers. In Microsoft Word, type the SQL script that you would use to create the table. Include the following fields: CustomerNumber […]

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