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Value Chain Analysis

GB570 Unit 4 Individual Project Assignment

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Value Chain Analysis


The main purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company selected in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Use the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text and at least FIVE additional relevant respected resources to support the value chain analysis. Use the APA formatted MS Word document template as the starting point for writing a 10-12 page paper (not including Title or References pages).

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The main purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company selected in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Use the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text and at least five additional relevant respected resources to support the value chain analysis. Use the APA formatted MS Word document template as the starting point for writing a 10-12 page paper (not including Title or References pages).


Customer-focused companies benefit from analyzing their value chain as the process allows them to understand customer expectations, purchasing responses, product-service use, and accept that they are unlikely themselves to posses all of the resources to service customer needs.


When conducting a value chain analysis, customers and their characteristics are studied, and their needs and wants, identified. These expectations form the basis for the demand chain. A supply chain design must be cost effective and respond to the expectations of the demand chain and the value proposition. Together, the demand chain and supply chain process and management comprise the value chain.


The following outline is based upon Figure 1.1 on page 19 of the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text. This outline is also included in the APA formatted Microsoft Word template in Doc Sharing.


Value Chain Analysis


A. Demand Chain Analysis


1. Identification of customer, market, wants and needs


2. Market Opportunity Analysis


3. Identification and Analysis of Value Drivers


B. Value Proposition


1. Value Proposition as related to Demand Chain


2. Value Proposition as related to Supply Chain


C. Supply Chain Analysis


1. Value Production and Coordination


2. Value Delivery


3. Value Servicing


D. Enterprise Value


1. Industry Drivers


2. Competitive Advantage


3. Customer Delight


E. Conclusion


Unit 4 discussion


To ensure you earn maximum points, your professionally written postings should provide substantive depth that demonstrates your proficiency to address topics and advance the discussion at a graduate school level. Your postings should represent your own experience and the knowledge you have gained through learning, by communicating clearly through the written word. Correct use of grammar, spelling, descriptive explanations, and logical flow of thought are important in all assignments. (Note: discussion responses are submitted to Turnitin to confirm originality and correct citation of references).

Value Chain Analysis

When used appropriately, a value chain analysis allows a systematic implementation of competitive strategies. A value chain analysis identifies how each business activity contributes to the desired competitive strategy.

  • What are the constraints in conducting an effective value chain analysis?
  • What can be done to mitigate or overcome constraints?
  • How frequently should a firm’s value chain be analyzed and why is this important?

Apply and cite at least two relevant and respected resources within the response and list the references at the end of the response. Use APA formatting.



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