Home » Statistics- he standard error of the estimate (S e ) is essentially the

Statistics- he standard error of the estimate (S e ) is essentially the

he standard error of the estimate (Se) is essentially the ____.A) mean of the residualsB) standard deviation of the residualsC) mean of the independent variableD) standard deviation of the independent variable6.A multiple regression analysis including 50 data points and 5 independent variables results in Σ ei2 = 40. The multiple standard error of estimate will be ____.A) 0.901B) 0.888C) 0.800D) 0.953E) 0.8947.In linear regression, a dummy variable is used ____.A) to represent residual variablesB) to represent missing data in each sampleC) to include hypothetical data in the regression equationD) to include categorical variables in the regression equationE) when “dumb” responses are included in the data8. In linear regression, we can have an interaction variable. Algebraically, the interaction variable is the ____ with another variable in the regression equation.A) sumB) ratioC) productD) mean9. A two-tailed test is one where ____.A) results in only one direction can lead to rejection of the null hypothesisB) negative sample means lead to rejection of the null hypothesisC) results in either of two directions can lead to rejection of the null hypothesisD) no results lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis10.Which of the following is not one of the assumptions of regression?A) There is a population regression line.B) The error term is normally distributed.C) The standard deviation of the dependent variable increases as the independent variables increase.D) The errors are probabilistically independent.11.In the standardized value (bi – βi) / sbi, the symbol sbi represents the ____.A) mean of biB) variance of biC) standard error of biD) degrees of freedom of bi12.The value k in the number of degrees of freedom, n-k-1, for the sampling distribution of the regression coefficients represents ____.A) the sample sizeB) the population sizeC) the number of coefficients in the regression equation, including the constantD) the number of independent variables included in the equation13. The ANOVA table splits the total variation into two parts. They are the ____.A) acceptable and unacceptable variationB) adequate and inadequate variationC) resolved and unresolved variationD) explained and unexplained variation14. The null and alternative hypotheses divide all possibilities into ____.A) two sets that overlapB) two non-overlapping setsC) two sets that may or may not overlapD) as many sets as necessary to cover all possibilities15. One-tailed alternatives are phrased in terms of ____.A) ≠B) < or >C) =D) ≤ or ≥ 16. A type II error occurs when ____.A) the null hypothesis is incorrectly accepted when it is falseB) the null hypothesis is incorrectly rejected when it is trueC) the sample mean differs from the population meanD) the test is biased17. In statistical analysis, the burden of proof lies traditionally with the ____.A) alternative hypothesisB) null hypothesisC) analystD) facts presented to the statistical analyst18. Smaller p-values indicate more evidence in support of the ____.A) null hypothesisB) alternative hypothesisC) quality of the researcherD) none of these options19. A type I error occurs when the ____.A) null hypothesis is incorrectly accepted when it is falseB) null hypothesis is incorrectly rejected when it is trueC) sample mean differs from the population meanD) test is biased20. The power of a test is the probability that we ____.A) reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is falseB) reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is trueC) accept the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is falseD) accept the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true

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