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Choose a country that has had to implement structural adjustments

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Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Faculty of Arts

SOCI 4730
Global Social Change

Write an essay of 700-800 words on one (1) of the following three topics:
a country that has had to implement structural adjustments due to debt and
pressure from transnational institutions. What have been the consequences of
this “solution” to this country’s people and sovereignty?
is too much lending a problem that can lead to global economic crises? How has
technological innovation exacerbated the problem in recent years? Illustrate
your answer with examples.
what ways havetransnational corporations and institutions (such as IMF, World
Bank, or WTO) affected either poor
people or the environment? Focus your
answer on one of these two, refer to the specific policies and regulations that
have had consequences on either of them, illustrate with examples, and explain
why this has been the case.

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You should do extra research to support your thesis
(overall answer to the question). I require at least 5 scholarly sources (books
or journal articles).
Your word-processed assignments should follow APA
format for preparing your paper and citing sources (no need for an abstract).
Be sure that you are presenting the concepts in your
own words and that you include current information.
Submit a single file containing all elements of the essay
(cover page, essay, reference list) via Moodle no later than the deadline in
the Moodle site for this course.

for Evaluating Essay
is the set of criteria that will form the basis for evaluating assignments:
Substance (75 marks)
The essay answers the question, provides evidence of
critical thinking and analysis as well as synthesis of information throughout,
and presents a logical and persuasive argument. (15 marks)
Research sources are relevant, current, and
credible. They are clearly documented in the paper.(15 marks)
The introduction offers a sense of direction for the
paper and presents a clear thesis statement to the reader and a brief outline
of the points to be covered.(15 marks)
The body develops the necessary aspects of the main
idea and provides examples, support, or illustration for each aspect of the
main idea.(15 marks)
The conclusion summarizes the main points and ties
them to the thesis; it also presents an impact statement and/or suggests
direction for future research. (15 marks)

Writing Style and Format (25
Paragraphs are unified, developed, and coherent,
with transitions between ideas. Sentences are grammatically correct; words are
chosen for accuracy and impact. The writing follows the conventions of spelling
and mechanics (punctuation, etc.)(15
The format follows the APA documentation style
accurately and consistently.(10 marks)

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