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Robinson describes magnanimity

Question 1.1.Robinson describes magnanimity as the mean between the extremes of: (Points : 1) Vanity and vice Generosity and selfishness Generosity and greed Vanity and pusillanimity None of the aboveQuestion 2.2.According to the videos, in which is it legal to commit assisted suicide? (Points : 1) Canada Mexico Germany Switzerland Question 3.3.According to Glaukon, justice is based on (Points : 1) Mutually advantageous agreements among people. The laws of God. Natural goodwill among people. The will of the powerful.Question 4.4.Rachels claims that once it has been decided that euthanasia is desirable in a case: (Points : 1) a moral error has already been made. it has been decided that death is no greater an evil than the patient’s continued existence. it has been decided that the patient does not have a right to life. the amount of suffering of the patient becomes irrelevant.Question 5.5.In the article “War and Massacre,” Thomas Nagel argues that moral absolutism (Points : 1) is consistent with the principles of utilitarianism can be used to justify genocide is primarily concerned with what a person is doing is primarily concerned with the outcome of a person’s actionsQuestion 6.6.In Gilligan’s article, the example of Heinz involves which crime (Points : 1) theft murder arson racketeeringQuestion 7.7.Which of the following does Tom Regan say about the utilitarian approach to animal ethics? (Points : 1) It is inadequate because it does not give value to individuals but only to their feelings It is perfect because it does not allow for discrimination based upon morally irrelevant attributes like race or species It is wrong because it treats human suffering as more important than animal suffering It ignores everything that does not have enough ‘utility’ and therefore does not take into account important things that it does not consider ‘useful’Question 8.8.Which answer best describes Noddings’s statements about how mothers frequently to feel about losing their children in war? (Points : 1) Mothers rest assured that the deaths of their children was fully justified by the good they did in the war Mothers often allow their desire to demonstrate patriotism to override their natural opposition to war and the death of their children Mothers universally oppose war and the death of children that it inevitably brings Mothers are generally more enthusiastic for war than anyone else because they know it will make the world safer for future generationsQuestion 9.9.What does Singer say about other philosophers’ attempts to argue that only humans have moral worth? (Points : 1) That they give a good way to determine who has rights in a way that includes all humans and no animals That they all say that animals should have rights too That they come up with unjustified methods to include all humans while excluding all animals from moral consideration That animals do not have rights because they are not as smart as humans areQuestion 10.10.In Held’s article, a thinker named Annette Baier claims that the history of Western ethical thought does not take into account feminine aspects because (Points : 1) The great moral theorists were men who had little intimate interaction with women. The great moral theorists were often loving husbands. The great moral theorists hated women. The great moral theoristsQuestion 11.11.Which of the following does not describe the ways that chickens and turkeys are treated on factory farms, according to the video “Meet Your Meat” (Points : 1) They are raised in their own excrement among corpses of other birds Some are so crippled from unnatural growth that they are unable to move They are given ample space to roam and to express their own natural behavior. They are often beaten with metal rods, which is considered legal by the industryQuestion 12.12.According to Nagel, to which of the following groups of people is hostility most appropriately aimed? (Points : 1) Innocents Civilians Combatants Non-combatantsQuestion 13.13.Leon Kass argues that the primary responsibility of physicians is to: (Points : 1) respect the autonomy of the patient. make decisions on the basis of compassion and good intention. benefit sick by the activity of healing. preserve a patient’s life by every means possible. Question 14.14.If Glaukon is correct, then justice (Points : 1) is valuable in its own right. is always more beneficial than injustice. has value only relative to its usefulness to the individual. has value only relative particular cultures.Question 15.15.Rachels claims that most actual cases of killing: (Points : 1) are morally worse than most actual cases of letting die. are morally the same most actual cases of letting die. are morally less bad than most actual cases of letting die. are morally required.Question 16.16.According to Tom Regan, which of the following should compel us to accept the equal rights of animals? (Points : 1) Sentiment – our feelings for the welfare of animals Law – legal regulations requiring us to respect the rights of animals Reason – this theory has the best reasons on its side Religion – the laws of God mandate human compassionQuestion 17.17.Kant explains that respect for a person is: (Points : 1) the recognition of the worth of the person’s potential contribution to society. dependent upon whether the person respects others. both A and B none of the above.Question 18.18.In the video, “Drones Are Ethical and Effective,” Kenneth Anderson argues that the use of drones is ethical because (Points : 1) it provides a greater separation between the target and operator it allows us to maintain a list of high value targets it is more precise than other forms of weaponry none of the aboveQuestion 19.19.Rachels claims that active euthanasia: (Points : 1) sometimes leads to more suffering than passive euthanasia. sometimes leads to the same amount of suffering as passive euthanasia. sometimes leads to less suffering than passive euthanasia. all of the above.Question 20.20.According to Tom Regan, what is fundamentally wrong with our current system? (Points : 1) It mistreats animals in captivity It does not adequately reduce the number of experiments to only what is medically necessary It treats animals as resources; as though they exist for us That it doesn’t utilize animals enough for beneficial purposesQuestion 21.21.In the video, “Drones are Ethical and Effective,” Kenneth Anderson states that drones are different from other weapon systems because (Points : 1) they provide a longer loiter time they involve remote operation they eliminate civilian casualties none of the aboveQuestion 22.22.According to the video “Religion, War, and Violence,” Just War Theory asserts that military intervention (Points : 1) can be seen as an act of altruism must always have an altruistic component must be primarily an act of altruism must never have an altruistic componentQuestion 23.23.According to Jeremy Bentham (as described by Singer) what should determine whether a being’s interests should be taken into account? (Points : 1) Whether they have the faculty of discourse Whether they can reason Whether they can suffer Whether they are capable of loveQuestion 24.24.Which of the following does not describe how egg-laying hens are treated in factory farms? (Points : 1) They are allowed to scratch through dirt and grass looking for seeds and bugs in the fresh open air. They are kept in such tight confinement that they cannot lift their wings They are starved into a period of ‘forced molting’ They have their beaks painfully seared offQuestion 25.25.Which of the following would be an idea shared both by the teacher (Kevin Kline) from the clip of The Emperor’s Club, and by either MacIntyre or Aristotle (or both)? (Points : 1) If you act dishonestly, you are bound to eventually get caught, and that is why you should always be honest. If one exercises the virtues like honesty, one is bound to achieve greater wealth, success, and honor. Cheating might lead to external success, but at the cost of internal failure. Watch what you say because you never know who might be listening . Question 26.26.James Rachels points out that when passive euthanasia is employed on infants, they typically die of: (Points : 1) poisoning. SARS. suffocation. dehydration and infection.Question 27.27.Which of the following does not happen in the “Meet Your Meat” to animals with diseases or injuries on modern factory farms: (Points : 1) The meat is allowed to be “USDA pure” They are killed for growing too slowly They are generally given immediate veterinary attention They are taken to slaughter anywayQuestion 28.28.What does Tom Regan say about the cruelty/kindness approach to animal ethics? (Points : 1) The best way to explain animal ethics is in terms of our obligation to be kind and not cruel to animals It is inadequate because it is possible to do wrong while being kind, and it is possible to do wrong without being deliberately cruel It has no relevance to animal ethics because animals are cruel to each other You have to be cruel to be kind, in the right measureQuestion 29.29.According to the scene from The Bridge on the River Kwai, what is the ultimate reason Colonel Nicholson (Alec Guinness) insists that the soldiers work hard to build the best bridge possible: (Points : 1) Because even in captivity, they know that God is watching them. So that the British forces will be able to fight the Japanese more effectively. Because the better the bridge, the more benefit they will receive and less punishment they will endure from their captors. Because it is an expression of the strength and dignity of a soldier even in captivity. Question 30.30.Michael Walzer argues that there is a radical distinction between war and civil life because (Points : 1) war is an intensely collective and collectivizing experience the circumstances of war are intensely coercive in ways not found elsewhere in society war is a world of pervasive uncertainty all of the aboveQuestion 31.31.Midgely concludes that (Points : 1) If we accept a value in another culture, we can still reject that value in our culture. If we accept a value in another culture, we must accept that value in our culture. If we reject a value in another culture, we must reject that value in our culture. B and C.Question 32.32.If Midgley is correct, moral scepticism (Points : 1) Leads to inaction. Leads to crude opinions. Leads to immorality. Rejects all criticism.Question 33.33.If the Ring of Gyges really existed, (Points : 1) Just people would use it for justice. Just people would not use it at all. Unjust people would use it differently than just people. Everyone would use it the same.Question 34.34.Which of the following statements is the strongest evidence that the person saying it is a utilitarian? (Points : 1) Ginny: “Violations of rights are very serious, from the moral point of view.” Helen: “I agree. It is always immoral to violate someone’s rights.” Ginny: “Well, I wouldn’t say ‘always’. It’s o.k. to violate rights whenever the good you can produce by doing so outweighs the harm you do by violating the person’s rights.” Kate: “I disagree with both of you. The notion of rights is just a mechanism for the lesser members of society to maintain control over those capable of greatness.”Question 35.35.Which of the following makes it difficult to calculate the utility of an act (Points : 1) the time frame of the consequences disagreements about the meaning of pleasure or happiness determining what constitutes the greatest good all of the aboveQuestion 36.36.In the video “What is Just War Theory?” Michael Walzer states that a core idea of Just War Theory (Points : 1) requires us to imagine the rules of war as they would apply to a peaceful, civil society requires us to judge the conduct of a war independently of the character of the war requires us to imagine that a war is like a bank robbery, and that the just warrior defending his country has rights the unjust warrior invading his country does not have none of the aboveQuestion 37.37.In 2003, how many people died in Canada, according to the video “Dying for Care: Quality Palliative and End of Life Care in Canada”? (Points : 1) 350,000 2.2 million 750,000 226,000Question 38.38.According to Held, feminist theories of self (Points : 1) pit humans against one another in competition relate the individual to universal humankind examine what it means to be a woman in a horrific male-dominated world see the self as related to specific humans in relationshipQuestion 39.39.Utilitarianism is a form of what broader kind of ethical theory? (Points : 1) deontological consequentialist trolly problematic egoisticalQuestion 40.40.Feminist ethics is based around which of the following ideas (Points : 1) That abstract universal principles can be applied to most situations to find the best action. That maximizing something like happiness or pleasure is the best way to guide action. That emotions can be cultivated and ought to be taken into account in ethical theory. That all humans are autonomous individuals who battle for resources.Question 41.41.According to Kant, persons: (Points : 1) are rational beings. must always be regarded as an end. have absolute value. all of the above.Question 42.42.What is the point of Regan’s discussion about Aunt Bea and utilitarianism’s respect for human life? (Points : 1) Utilitarianism feels that human life is paramount and not to be sacrificed under any circumstance Utilitarianism would say that God’s law that “thou shalt not kill” will have very few exceptions Utilitarianism says that human life has not much value at all, a person can be killed for relatively minor reasons, like stealing their money Because utilitarianism is aggregative, one individual’s right to life can be overridden in order to save many other people’s livesQuestion 43.43.According to Mill, utilitarian morality holds that: (Points : 1) If each individual strives to maximize their own happiness, the happiness of all will follow. Each individual is required to sacrifice their own individual happiness for the happiness of all. With the right social arrangements and education, individuals can come to associate their own individual happiness with the happiness of all. Neither the happiness of the individual nor the happiness of all is worth pursuing, since neither is attainable in this life. Question 44.44.Robinson argues that integrity should be regarded as: (Points : 1) An absolute value in all military activities An absolute value in the honor group An absolute value only on the battlefield An absolute value only for noncombatants None of the aboveQuestion 45.45.In the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals we find that to act on ‘duty’ is (Points : 1) to act from a self-seeking purpose to act because you want to to act out of respect for law to act out of the fear of GodQuestion 46.46.According to John Stuart Mill, utilitarianism takes into account the happiness of: (Points : 1) only the agent. only the agent and those the agent cares about. everyone, but weights the happiness of the agent more heavily. everyone, and weights everyone’s happiness equally.Question 47.47.According to Aristotle, happiness is: (Points : 1) a contented state of mind. as much pleasure and as little pain as possible. feeling good about oneself. a life that is lived well.Question 48.48.According to psychiatric studies, which of the following has been discovered about the relationship between criminal violence and childhood abuse? (Points : 1) Criminal violence follows childhood abuse equally in males and females Women are more likely to commit criminal violence if the childhood abuse was at a younger age When criminal violence follows childhood abuse it is almost always in males No correlation has been found at all between criminal violence and childhood abuseQuestion 49.49.According to Kant, the value of a good will lies in: (Points : 1) how much it can contribute to society. how clever it is at finding the best means to its ends. the good feelings it produces in the person who has it. none of the above.Question 50.50.According to Held, the following have been aligned with femininity in the history of Western thought (Points : 1) emotion weakness passion all of the above

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