Home » Interest rates and monetary policy National productivity measurement: Is GDP the best metric

Interest rates and monetary policy National productivity measurement: Is GDP the best metric

In about 1000 -1250 words, write a position paper that supports a particular point of viewconcerning a topic in macroeconomics. A list of possible topics appears below, but the paper maybe constructed from topics raised in the course and unassigned readings in the text.Interest rates and monetary policyNational productivity measurement: Is GDP the best metric?Inflation and its causesReasons for unemploymentTrade performance of the USAFactors leading to economic growthThe housing market-will it ever recover?The free market economy versus government controlled economiesSocial control of businessMeasuring the cost of livingSaving, investment, and the financial systemYou may, and are in fact encouraged, to write on your own topic that you may have encounteredbriefly earlier in the text or course. Part of your paper involves doing research on the topic, andidentifying strongly held positions on the opposite side of your own. You are expected to addressat least two counterpoints, or objections, to your position. If you decide to choose your own topic inmacroeconomics feel free to get early feedback from the instructor before you write.OBJECTIVES: This assignment has three major objectives. The first is to increase your familiaritywith an issue of economic policy and the arguments that surround that issue. The second is toincrease your familiarity with sources of information. The third is to help you improve an importantintellectual skill: writing a clear and convincing argument supported by reliable evidence.ASSIGNMENT: Your job is to write a position paper of 1,000 to 1,250 words exclusive of title page,abstract, illustrations, notes, bibliography, appendices, etc. Your paper must deal with a matter ofeconomic policy within the power of some officer, agency or institution of government.Position Papers: Commonly known as a position paper, but also known as a “brief” in law, or apolicy paper in politics, it is a written document that (1) recommends a particular course of actionand (2) argues for the adoption of that position. A good position paper consists of a clearrecommendation supported by strong arguments bolstered by unimpeachable evidence. A goodposition paper will be:Persuasive: You must state a conclusion and back that conclusion with reasonedargument. Your mission is to persuade the reader, the better the argument, the higherthe probability of success.Well Researched: Your arguments must be firmly rooted in careful research. You musthave a command of the relevant facts. You must understand your own position, thepositions of those with whom you disagree, and the relationship of the facts to each.Concise: A good policy paper is not always brief, but it must be concise. That meansno padding and no irrelevant inclusions. The typical audience for a position paper is ajudge, a corporate executive, or a high government official. If your paper does not getto the point quickly and move the argument forward relentlessly, you are unlikely to getand hold the attention of your target audience. If you want to persuade a busy person,do not waste his time.Organized with the strongest point first.Appropriately Documented: Use one of the approved styles of documentation andfollow it with care throughout your paper. Make clear when ideas are not your ownand cite sources clearly to avoid any suggestion of plagiarism. Savvy Firefox usersmay find Zotero useful, as it organizes and exports data for you.Well Written: I will be looking for clear organization of the ideas and arguments;effective use of paragraphs, and subheadings if you like, to orient the reader; goodtransitions from one part of the text to the next; a conclusion that is both substantiveand relevant; and sound grammar, punctuation, spelling and usage. The paper mustbe sent as an attachment to a commonly read format (doc, rtf, txt) with the coursenumber in the title. Please do not send using .docx, the default setting on the latestMicrosoft product.Plagiarism is the unacknowledged borrowing of another person’s idea and using it as your own.Failure to adequately document your source material can result in failure of the assignment, orfailure of the course. See the Student Handbook for more information. If you have any questions,you should contact the instructor. An excellent online reference for rules governing documentationis found at Columbia University Press. You may also use the MLA style. For the purposes of thiscourse, work developed for another course (including history and economics courses) shallconstitute dishonesty and be treated like cheating. If you have an interest in developing a thesisthat you built in another course, you must receive prior approval from the instructor to use it here.In some cases, using this paper as a dual submission with an English course is acceptable if itmeets with the permission of both instructors. CITE SOURCES IF SOURCES ARE USED!"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that."–John Stuart Mill, an early economist, in On Liberty (1859)

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