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BUSN 420 Week 3 Quiz

This paper of BUSN 420 Week 3 Quiz encompasses:(TCO 4) Employment Sources, Inc., enters into a contract with Fred. If Fred is a minor, this contract is most likely(TCO 4) Under a contract with Bucolic Farms, Agro Excavation, Inc., begins digging an agricultural pond. In mid-project, Agro asks for $15,000 over the contract price, claiming an increase in the “cost of doing business.” Bucolic agrees but later refuses to pay. Their agreement is(TCO 4) Shelby offers to make digital copies of Relay Company’s business conference videotapes, CDs, DVDs, and other media for $500. Under the mailbox rule and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), Relay’s acceptance by e-mail will be considered effective when(TCO 4) Opie offers to sell his guitar to Pinky for $100. Pinky agrees. They complete and sign a printed form that includes, near the blanks for their signatures, the word “seal.” This is(TCO 4) Braxton questions whether there is consideration for his contract with Tawny to exchange his accounting services for her payment of a certain amount. To constitute consideration, there must be(TCO 4) Lou claims that he and Myra entered into an implied-in-fact contract. To establish this contract, it is not necessary to show that(TCO 4) Flo tells Gregor that she will buy his textbook from last semester for $65. Gregor agrees. Flo and Gregor have(TCO 4) Grant offers to sell his Honda Civic for $10,000 to Ivy. Referring to the prices for similar Hondas, Ivy says, “I’ll pay no more than $5,000.” Grant says, “Forget it.” Grant’s offer was terminated by(TCO 4) Leif offers Miley $1,000 for her three-year-old laptop computer. Miley accepts. If a dispute arises, a court would likely(TCO 4) Expert Pavers, Inc., contracts with Fabricated Building Corporation to repave Fabricated’s parking lot for which Fabricated agrees to pay. The requirements of this, and any other, contract do not include

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