Home » QNT 351 Week 2 Connect Lab 2016 Version

QNT 351 Week 2 Connect Lab 2016 Version

The director of admissions at Kinzua University in Nova Scotia estimated the distribution of student admissions for the fall semester on the basis of past experience
Admissions       Probability
1050                       0.5
1300                       0.2
1540                       0.3
a.         What is the expected number of admissions for the fall semester
b.         Compute the variance and the standard deviation of the number of admissions(Round your standard deviation to 2 decimal places.

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The Internal Revenue Service is studying the category of charitable contributions. A sample of 22 returns is selected from young couples between the ages of 20 and 35 who had an adjusted gross income of more than $100,000. Of these 22 returns, 7 had charitable contributions of more than $1,000. Suppose 6 of these returns are selected for a comprehensive audit
You should use the hypergeometric distribution is appropriate. Because
What is the probability exactly one of the six audited had a charitable deduction of more than $1,000
What is the probability at least one of the audited returns had a charitable contribution of more than $1,000

According to the “January theory,” if the stock market is up for the month of January, it will be up for the year. If it is down in January, it will be down for the year. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, this theory held for 27 out of the last 34 years. Suppose there is no truth to this theory; that is, the probability it is either up or down is 0.5.    What is the probability this could occur by chance          Round your answer to 6 decimal places
 (for a binomial distribution with 27 success and probability 0.5

Customers experiencing technical difficulty with their internet cable hookup may call an 800 number for technical support. It takes the technician between 90 seconds and 14 minutes to resolve the problem. The distribution of this support time follows the uniform distribution
What are the values for a and b in minutes? (Do not round your intermediate calculaions. Round your answers to 1 decimal place
b-1.What is the mean time to resolve the problem? (Do not round your intermediate
calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.
b-2 What is the standard deviation of the time?(Do not round your intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
c-.  What percent of the problems take more than 5 minutes to resolve? (Do not round your intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places
d-   Suppose we wish to find the middle 50% of the problem-solving times. What are the end points of these two times?(Do not round your intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 3 decimal places.

A normal population has a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 4
Compute the z value associated with 25
What proportion of the population is between 20 and 25
What proportion of the population is less than 18

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Assume that the hourly cost to operate a commercial airplane follows the normal distribution with a mean of $5,062 per hour and a standard deviation of $392.  What is the operating cost for the lowest 5% of the airplanes? (Round z value to 2 decimal places and round final answer to nearest whole dollar

The manufacturer of a laser printer reports the mean number of pages a cartridge will print before it needs replacing is 12,425. The distribution of pages printed per cartridge closely follows the normal probability distribution and the standard deviation is 595 pages. The manufacturer wants to provide guidelines to potential customers as to how long they can expect a cartridge to last
How many pages should the manufacturer advertise for each cartridge if it wants to be correct 99 percent of the time?(Round z value to 2 decimal places. Round your answer to the nearest whole number

A study of long-distance phone calls made from General Electric Corporate Headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut, revealed the length of the calls, in minutes, follows the normal probability distribution. The mean length of time per call was 5.10 minutes and the standard deviation was 0.40 minutes
What fraction of the calls last between 5.10 and 5.80 minutes? (Round z-score computation to 2 decimal places and your final answer to 4 decimal places
What fraction of the calls last more than 5.80 minutes? (Round z-score computation to 2 decimal places and your final answer to 4 decimal places
What fraction of the calls last between 5.80 and 6.50 minutes? (Round z-score computation to 2 decimal places and your final answer to 4 decimal places
What fraction of the calls last between 4.50 and 6.50 minutes? (Round z-score computation to 2 decimal places and your final answer to 4 decimal places.
As part of her report to the president, the director of communications would like to report the length of the longest (in duration) 3 percent of the calls. What is this time? (Round z-score computation to 2 decimal places and your final answer to 2 decimal places.

A population consists of the following five values: 10, 13, 16, 19, and 21
List all samples of size 3, and compute the mean of each sample. (Round your mean value to 2 decimal places.
Compute the mean of the distribution of sample means and the population mean. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places

The mean age at which men in the United States marry for the first time follows the normal distribution with a mean of 24.7 years. The standard deviation of the distribution is 2.8 years
For a random sample of 60 men, what is the likelihood that the age at which they were married for the first time is less than 25.2 years

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