Home » MKT571 WEEK 5 QUIZ (SCORE 100%)


1. Which of the following statements correctly reflects a characteristic of public relations as a marketing communications tool?Public relations can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted promotions.They incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to the consumer.Given their live, real-time quality, public relations tools are more actively engaging for consumers.Public relations communications can be prepared to appeal to the addressed individual.2. When a consumer considers a product or service, he or she will choose whichever product or service delivers the highestcustomer-perceived valuecustomer equitycustomer lifetime valuecustomer-perceived cost3. Selective price cuts, intense promotional blitzes, and occasional legal action are commonplace in the strategic design ofguerilla warfarea bypass attackan encirclement attacka frontal attack4. Total customer satisfaction is measured based on the relationship ofadvertised outcomes and real outcomesperceived performance and expectationpast experience and present experienceexpected value and total customer benefit5. TBS Bikes has recently introduced a series of bikes called Surami. The core positioning of TBS Bikes is “speed”. Surami is a five-gear bike and, apart from speed, the company promises to include other features such as safety, good performance, and pollution control features. This describes the ________ of the bike.value propositiontotal customer costvalue-delivery systemcustomer-perceived value6. What function does a company’s public relations department perform when it promotes understanding of the organization through internal and external communications?Product publicityCorporate communicationsPress relationsCounseling7. Companies provide rewards to customers who buy often and in substantial amounts. These reward schemes are referred to asquality programsbenefit programsfrequency programssatisfaction programs8. An insider trading crisis for an organization is what type of public relations crisis?Act of upheavalAct of natureUnintentional eventIntentional event9. When dealing with a public relations crisis, a _____ can be a useful online tool to communicate with internal stakeholders.public sitecrisis sitewhite sitedark site10. Which of the following benefits is offered by sales promotion tools?They allow buyers personal choices and encourage them to respond directly.They can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted promotions.They incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to the consumer.They are typically an indirect form of soft-sell and hence, better received by customers.11. Which of the following circumstances are best suited for the use of personal selling?When there is minimal risk involved in buying or using the productsWhen the market has fewer and larger sellersWhen prospective customers are spread across a wide geographic areaWhen the products used are simple and easy-to-use12. Mountain Dew is a brand known for sponsorships of adventure events such as snowboarding and skateboarding competitions. What is the most likely objective of Mountain Dew’s sponsorship of these events?To express commitment to the community or on social issuesTo entertain key clients or reward key employeesTo enhance corporate imageTo create perceptions of key brand image associations13. When Starbucks introduced its Tazo Tea line to bring in new customers who had never gone to Starbucks because they don’t drink coffee, Starbucks was employing a ________ strategy.new-market segmentniche identificationgeographical-expansionmarket-penetration14. Under which of the following conditions is the frequency the most important factor in media selection?When launching infrequently purchased brandsWhen going into undefined target marketsWhen introducing flanker brandsWhen there is high consumer resistance to the product15. Which of the following equations accurately describes the total number of exposures (E) of an advertising message through a given medium?E = reach * frequencyE = frequency / reachE = reach * frequency * impactE = (reach * frequency) / impact16. ________ is finding the most cost-effective media to deliver the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience.Content analysisMedia schedulingMedia selectionCopy testing17. ________ is based on the premise that marketers can no longer use interruption marketing via mass media campaigns.Database marketingInternet marketingPermission marketingRelationship marketing18. ________ is an aggressive maneuver where the firm attacks first, perhaps with guerrilla action, across the market, keeping everyone off balance.Preemptive defenseContraction defensePosition defenseFlank defense19. Which of the following factors forms the basis of assessing sponsorship activities through supply-side methods?Brand exposure reported by consumersImpact on sponsor’s bottom lineExtent of media coverageConsumers’ brand knowledge20. In order to help anticipate public relations crises it’s important to think about the possible events that could occur and the appropriate management response. This is often referred to aspreventative planningimagining the worstdreaming about the futureimagining the risk21. Rachel and Josh are on vacation in Hawaii. When they arrived at the hotel, they were offered chilled juice. Their check-in formalities were handled by the staff. When they entered their room, they saw that chocolates had been placed on the pillows and a flower arrangement on the table. The hotel’s actions are an example ofcustomer value analysisa customer touch pointcustomer perceived valuecustomer lifetime value

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