Home » MS6010 M4A1 Discussion – ABC or Activity Based Costing

MS6010 M4A1 Discussion – ABC or Activity Based Costing

Assignment 1: Discussion—ABC or Activity-Based CostingIn your readings this module, you were introduced to Activity-Based Costing or ABC. It is a method used to determine a reliable predetermined benchmark for the allocation of overhead costs to the products produced based on their activity levels. In this discussion, we will work a case study on ABC together. For your initial response, attempt to answer the questions yourself and post all the required items into the Discussion Area. You may want to post some elements during different days so the class can work this problem together. Then in your response postings, help each other with misunderstandings or miscalculations. Tasks:Examine the case below and then…Calculate the amount of overhead allocated to small and large advertising campaigns under existing methods.Apply activity-based costing to calculate the cost per cost driver for each of the cost pools.Use the costs per cost driver to calculate the activity-based overhead applicable to small and large campaigns.Calculate the percentage to be added to direct advertising costs to recover overhead costs under activity-based costing.Merit-o-cracy PLC is a specialist advertising agency. It has been long-established but is experiencing difficulties in winning new business. The Chief Executive believes that its pricing methods are leading to the loss of large customer advertising campaigns while it is consistently winning smaller business.Merit-o-cracy costs work for pricing purposes on the basis of direct advertising costs (i.e. space or time purchased from newspapers, radio and TV) plus 100%. The 100% is intended to cover all the overheads of the business, which run at $2 million per year. It does not include any profit margin. This budget cost comprises:Creative staff                                        $500,000 Production staff                                    $750,000 Administrative & support staff              $300,000 Rental and associated costs                  $450,000Merit-o-cracy classifies its advertising campaigns as either small or large. Of the 350 campaigns the agency wins, about 325 are classified as small. A typical small advertising campaign incurs direct advertising costs of $4,000 each (and therefore is allocated $4,000 of overheads under current methods). The other 25 advertising campaigns are large and incur direct advertising costs of $28,000 each.Merit-o-cracy’s accountant has heard of activity-based costing. After speaking to the management team, she has gathered information on the most common causes of costs. She believes that creative staff costs are linked to the number of advertising campaigns the agency competes for. Production staff costs are related to the number of advertising campaigns the agency wins. Administrative and support staff costs are related to the number of customers the agency has. Rental and associated costs are people-based and as a similar number of staff is employed in each of the three departments, the costs should be equally shared.The accountant has also collected data on the activity levels in each of the three departments over the budget period. These are:            Creative                        800 advertising campaigns the agency bids for400 of these are bids for large campaigns and 400 for small campaigns            Production350 advertising campaigns the agency wins325 of these are small campaigns and 25 large campaigns            Admin & support            400 customers the agency services300 of these are customers with small campaigns and 100 have large campaignsSubmission Details:By Saturday, March 11, 2017, post your initial response to the Discussion Area below. Through Wednesday, March 15, 2017, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses on two different days. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the posted question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to APA style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Do the following when responding to your peers:Read your peers’ answers.Provide substantive comments to at least two of your peer’s post bycontributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;correcting their math or issues other students are having with the assigned problem;building on the remarks or questions of others; orsharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiencesRespond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.Make sure your writingis clear, concise, and organized;demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; anddisplays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Grading Criteria****** VERY IMPORTANT!!!! Please provide 2 questions with answers relating to the discussion/assignment.  Please to make sure this is submitted with the assignment requested. *****

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