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Proposal for Final Paper

This is just a breakdown of what the assignment is. This is a five week assignment. Each week I will post the next step. What I have in red and highlightedis very important please read and understand the assignment. I have provided attached files that need to be used. This week, you will choose the topic(I have already chosen the topic)  you would like to explore, offer some information on what interests you about this topic, and supply a working thesis and key ideas you would like to develop.Though it might seem early to choose your topic, with only five weeks in the course, it is important to start early to best set yourself up for success.·         Once you have decided on a prompt and text, respond to the directives below using the Proposal for Final Paper (see attached file)Worksheet. Please make sure your document is double spaced. See the Sample Proposal(see attached file) for guidance. You may use the Sample Proposal as a reference, but do not re-use any of the information within this sample assignment.I have also attached a blank Final paper worksheet to use please use it.Consider the role of setting, or context. For example, a story that takes place in a wild and natural setting might include characters struggling against nature to survive. A story set in a city might include themes of alienation and anonymity because of the impersonal crowds and busy city life. Cultural contexts can combine with both urban and rural elements to produce further meaning, as well. Consider the following questions as you critically read the texts below: Does the protagonist conflict with the setting or have particular interactions with it?Does the protagonist’s relationship with the setting connect with his/her development as a character? Does the setting reveal other themes and conflicts?This is the assignment prompt and text that will be used to complete the Proposal Final Paper Worksheet. Grammer and Spelling is a must. Please check and recheck spelling and grammer.For your literary analysis essay, look at the guiding questions for the text you choose. You don’t necessarily need to answer all of these questions in your paper. The questions are there to help get you thinking in a direction that will be more likely to lead you to a successful literary analysis.Prompt 3 ( This is the prompt number) “A Worn Path”(Eudora Welty, 1941) – 5.3 in Journey into Literature (THIS IS THE TOPIC I CHOSE) I have attached a file with the story from the text book.Guiding Questions:1. Clugston suggests that “[t]he setting in this story is in a particular season — theChristmas season.” Why is this significant considering the plot?2. Clugston (2011) further writes: “The physical setting changes during Phoenix Jackson’sjourney. How does each environment she encounters reflect her character?”3. Phoenix Jackson encounters many obstacles on her journey. To what non-physicalchallenges do they allude?

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