Home » Writing King ONLY Week 2 Assignment – Adult Learning Theories

Writing King ONLY Week 2 Assignment – Adult Learning Theories

Exploring Teaching and Learning TheoriesAs was introduced in Week 1, teaching and learning in the adult environment is referred to as andragogy. The principles of andragogy include a number of different approaches to introducing topics and presenting activities to the adult learner in meaningful and relevant ways that relate to student experiences and workplace events.In this week’s assignment, you will explore the specifics of an adult learning experience and how the expectations of adult learners are different from the traditional teaching and learning environment. As you review the videos and readings for this assignment, consider how social structure, belief systems, and past experiences can be influential to adult learning and student success.For this assignment, describe an instructional or training event from your personal experience that was an ineffective experience. Recommend specific strategies you would make to that learning event using the principles of andragogy. This event can be from a traditional setting or an online setting, but it should be one that was intended for the adult learner.Be sure to include the following information in your paper:Briefly describe the learning situation, context, and background.Provide an initial reflection on your experience.Describe at least three specific changes that you would make to this learning event to make it more effective.For each change, be sure to support your reasoning as to why you believe the new strategy uses effective andragogical principles, learning theories, teaching theories, learning styles, and the characteristics of adult learners in your recommendations.Length: 5-7 pages, not including the title and reference pagesReferences: Minimum of five references requiredYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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