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Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.05 MC)“Candidate Florent is obviously the better man for the job. No one can match his education and experience.”This quote shows that the reporter uses emotional appeal to support Florent uses emotional appeal against Florent has a bias in favor of Florent has a bias against FlorentQuestion 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.05 MC)“When our vital interests are challenged, or the will and conscience of the international community defied, we will act with peaceful diplomacy whenever possible, with force when necessary.”—President Clinton, 1993 Inaugural AddressIn this quote, President Clinton uses specific facts to convince Americans to support war when necessary appeals to Americans’ sense of duty to convince them to support a war reveals his value for finding peaceful resolutions to problems over war states that spending more money on trade makes war unnecessaryQuestion 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.04 LC)Interest groups consist of people who share beliefs and support their members in elections people with shared goals who work together to influence public policy various means of mass communication, such as television and radio government agencies that regulate and monitor citizens and businessesQuestion 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.06 LC)Since the 2000 election, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has generally remained consistently low increased each election year varied considerably, based on the current election issues varied considerably, based on the presidential candidatesQuestion 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.01 LC)The legislative branch has the power to enforce law declare war judge trials veto billsQuestion 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.03 MC)A law that limits the content of popup advertisements on the Internet would be enforced by the Federal Communications Commission U.S. Food and Drug Administration Federal Reserve System U.S. Postal ServiceQuestion 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.06 MC)Public DomainWhich of the following states had the greatest gain in population between the years 2000 and 2010? Alabama Florida Illinois OregonQuestion 14 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.06 MC)Public DomainWhich of the following southern states had the least gain in population between the years 2000 and 2010? Mississippi Alabama South Carolina GeorgiaQuestion 15 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.05 MC)Which of the following is an example of the President using new technology of the time period to connect with the American people? Benjamin Franklin published the first political cartoon in 1754. Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcasted his weekly “Fireside Chats” over the radio in the 1930s. Barack Obama participated in televised debates with presidential nominee John McCain in 2007. Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776.Question 16 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.05 MC)It “is no gimmick, and nobody will ever be elected to major office again without presenting themselves well on it.”—Nixon campaign consultant Roger Ailes, 1968The quote is in reference to the radio Internet television newspaperQuestion 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.04 MC)Which of the following is an example of the positive effect media has on the American system of government? They entertain people and take their minds off government waste. They help the American public monitor and influence government officials. They research current issues and report directly to federal, executive, and legislative groups. They focus on specific leaders that have a crucial role in producing change.Question 18 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.04 MC)Political parties influence public policy because they try to get their members elected whom they expect to vote along the party platform on issues lobby the members of legislative committees to convince them to vote a certain way on bills have considerable power in influencing judicial decisions on difficult civil and criminal trials select who will serve as advisors to the members of the executive and legislative branchesQuestion 19 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.03 MC)Section 2 of Article II of the Constitution gives the president the ability to pardon offenses made against the United States except in cases of treason perjury conspiracy impeachmentQuestion 20 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.03 MC)Which of the following is not a constitutional role of the president? Commander in Chief Chief Executive Speaker of the House Head of StateQuestion 21 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.03 MC)According to the U.S. Constitution, which of the following people would be eligible to run for U.S. president? Lucy, 24 years old, born and lived all her life in Wyoming Robert, 36 years old, born and lived all his life in Georgia Nina, 48 years old, a naturalized citizen from Columbia David, 59 years old, a naturalized citizen from CanadaQuestion 22 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.06 MC)© 2012 FLVSBetween the years 1996 and 2004, voter registration and turnout increased voter registration and turnout decreased registration increased but turnout decreased registration decreased but turnout increasedQuestion 23 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.06 MC)© 2012 FLVSBased on this graph of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, 18- to 29-year-olds were more likely to be registered to vote in 2004 than in 2000 less likely to be registered to vote in 2004 than in 2000 more likely to be voting for the first time in 2004 than in 2000 less likely to be voting for the first time in 2004 than in 2000Question 24 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)(Policy and Elections 3.05 HC)© 2012 AP ImagesThis image was published in the late 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. Which of the following reflects true statements about the image? The artist appeals to the values of justice and compassion to support the Supreme Court decisions. It reflects the Supreme Court’s support for civil rights. The artist supports civil rights leaders’ continued appeals because the Supreme Court has failed them. It reflects the Supreme Court’s support for civil rights. The artist criticizes the rulings of the Supreme Court that related to civil rights during that time. It reflects the Supreme Court’s lack of support for civil rights. The artist references a specific Supreme Court case that upheld and supported segregation laws. It reflects the Supreme Court’s lack of support for civil rights.Question 25 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.01 MC)Where do the House and Senate differ in the lawmaking process? The Senate determines the rules for debate by committee, while the House allows unlimited debate. The House determines the rules for debate by committee, while the Senate allows unlimited debate. The Senate organizes and runs conference committee meetings, while the House accepts its decision. The House organizes and runs conference committee meetings, while the Senate accepts its decision.Question 26 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.01 MC)According to Article I of the U.S. Constitution, who has the power to “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”? the President the Executive Branch the Legislative Branch the Supreme CourtQuestion 27 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)(Policy and Elections 3.01 MC)According to Article I of the Constitution, who has the ability to approve foreign treaties? the Cabinet and the President the House and the Senate the Senate only the House onlyQuestion 28 (Essay Worth 9 points)(Policy and Elections 3.01 HC)Imagine your local city council is considering a city-wide curfew in response to a recent increase in crimes committed by teens. The proposed curfew would prohibit unsupervised children under 17 from being out after 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and after 10:00 p.m. on weekends.  Some believe the curfews is a good prevention tool, keeping at-risk kids from becoming victims or criminals. Opponents argue confining innocent youth to their homes does not make young people more responsible. In a well-written paragraph, analyze whether the benefits of creating this curfew are worth the costs. Use examples from personal experience or the module to support your answer.Question 29 (Essay Worth 9 points)(Policy and Elections 3.04 HC) Answer the following question in one to two well-written paragraphs. Which of the following have the greatest impact in determining and shaping public policy – political parties or interest groups? Be sure to explain your reasoning and support your answer with at least one example.

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