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Case Study of Jim

Respond in 500 words with a scholarly references. Use citations, site your work and add references. The 16 P.F showed some contradictions in how Jim was portraying himself at the time when he was first assessed.  He was classified as very high on anxiety but also presented as very bright and outgoing individual.  He also presented as unsure of himself, confused and conflicted about who he is and where he is going.  He may experience mood swings and have a history of psychosomatic complaints.  He is highly emotional and becomes easily frustrated. In other areas, he was assessed as average.  A criticism of the 16 P.F was that is did not assist in understanding why Jim feels the way that he does and how he deals with his conflict which is why one assessment alone is not used for developing a protocol.   However, if it was the only tool that could be used, how would you incorporate the information in working with Jim?  A big step for Jim was going against his parents’ wishes to attend graduate school in business and enroll in psychology graduate program.  It would appear that it was one of the first times that he challenged his parents.  How do you think this decision making influenced his identify formation?

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