Ending the Essay: A Complete Guide on How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay

A conclusion is the final paragraph of your paper. A perfect essay conclusion aims to:

  • Provide a summary of why your arguments matters
  • Leave your reader with a strong impression.
  • Put together the main body’s paragraphs.
  • Show what questions and possibilities may arise in the future.

Therefore, a conclusion includes a re-stated thesis, a summary of your body paragraphs, and a sentence that gives a sense of closure.

Here are a guide and tips that will show you how to conclude your essay. Make sure you incorporate them when writing your essay.

1.The Ultimate Guide on Writing a Conclusion

Unlike an introduction, which informs the reader what the essay is all about, a conclusion re-states the content in your body paragraph. The conclusion aims to re-state the mentioned ideas other than introducing new ones.

1.1. Connect it to the body

First, introduce your conclusion and connect it with body paragraphs by using transition words or transition statements. Use transition words that look fresh and not overused such as:

  • Consequently
  • Subsequently
  • Thereby
  • As a result
  • Ultimately
  • Hence
  • Without a doubt

1.2. Restate the thesis

Secondly, re-state the thesis from your introduction but make sure not to repeat it word to word. Instead, try to find a new effective approach to develop the same idea further.

Example: As stated in the beginning, this paper has shown that the idea of wearing school uniform remains a topic for heated discussions,

this makes the transition from the body paragraph by showing what issues and controversies the writer tried to address.

1.3. Summarize

Give a summary of your body paragraphs and synthesize the arguments. Your goal is to combine ideas into a coherent paragraph and to show a link between all arguments made throughout the essay.

Example: In the meantime, it is clear that the school policy indeed destroys a student’s self-perception. School uniforms make teenagers lack freedom of individual expression.

In the above example, the author demonstrates the impacts of wearing a school by giving a summary, therefore preparing the reader with a conclusion statement.

1.4. Conclude with a statement

Here, create a sense of completeness in your essay. This is your last chance to convince your readers.

You can do it in three ways:

  1. Connect the statement to the hook. Link the end to the beginning to create a definite closure of the entire essay.
  2. Keep it brief and simple. Create a final effect with uncomplicated and short sentences.
  3. Create a compound statement. Such sentences have a sense of balance.

2.Mistakes to Avoid in a Conclusion

  1. Introducing new ideas. Your concluding paragraph should be concise and straightforward and be based on the mentioned ideas.
  2. Using too many words. Your conclusion should be brief and be around 10% of your entire essay.
  3. Repeating your thesis statement. Instead, summarize it and develop it according to your body.
  4. Providing your opinion out of context. Don’t write your opinion if it is not based on your argumentation and evidence.
  5. Undermining your argumentation. Don’t use apologetic phrases statements that sound uncertain. For example, there is no clear solution to this challenge. This is just one method among many

Thank you for reading this article! If you want to write an outstanding essay, incorporate the mentioned ideas and tips in your work.

Remember to check other related materials provided on our website to improve your essay-writing skills. We have enormous resources and tips on how to write an academic paper. Good luck with your writing!

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